Its Gonna Be OK Part 1

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 "Levi! I'm sorry I don't have your money I'll get-" The man's pleas were silenced by a combat boot.

"I don't want to hear an excuse" Levi removed his foot from the man's face, "You have until next week, I'll send some of my men to job hunt for you but if you can't keep this one it will be your head." Levi snapped and three muscled men carried away the desperate man.

"You're too soft on him Levi..." David dug at his superior, "he messed it up last time, what will stop him this time?"

Levi sighed as he turned towards David, he had always wanted his spot as leader of the Wild Sapphire gang but he never let up. If the gang fell into David's hands havoc would wreak and no one would be safe.

"I have hope that he will learn from his mistakes." Levi took off his coat and hung it over his arm, he turned to leave and glanced back towards David, "if he comes back you know where to find me."

He held his hand up behind him as he exited the brick alley. The street bustled ahead of him, he continued to walk until he heard a clatter and felt a collision on his shins. Levi stumbled and fell.

"He-" Levi froze, before him was a small, not quite human monster. She had long hair and a snout, the skin not covered in dark fur was a lighter tan color then the fur. She slashed at him with her monstrous, sharp claws.

Levi made chase until he blocked her into an alley. The little girl crawled on all fours and snarled at him. Levi held up his hands to show that they were empty as he stepped closer. The ends of her long brown hair and her monstrous limbs had a fiery red color that was slowly becoming less saturated. Levi reached into his pocket, the girl snarled more viciously. He pulled out a sandwich he had been saving for lunch, tearing half of it off he held it out to her. She cautiously stepped forward, snatching the bit of sandwich she sat criss cross as she hungrily devoured it.

"Hey kiddo, are you doing ok? Do you want more sandwiches? Do you know where your parents are?" Levi held out another piece of sandwich.

The girl crawled closer and took the sandwich piece with more care this time.

Levi sighed, "you must've been through a lot, kid. Come on we can take you to the" Levi stopped mid sentence as the girl stepped closer and huddled into his coat, she closed her golden eyes and fell asleep instantly. He sighed, "well there's not much i can do now, is there?"

Levi wrapped the girl comfortably in his coat and took her home.

He entered his dingy apartment, the brick walls were old and dusty and the place obviously hadn't been cleaned in a while. He set the girl down onto his bed and carefully put her head on the pillow, her snout now gone and a human nose grew to replace it. He sat with her until eventually he sat up and yawned. She jumped when she saw Levi.

"Hey kiddo. Did you have a good nap?" Levi asked. The girl nodded. "How are you feeling?" the girl stayed silent, "ok... what's your name?"

The girl's golden eyes lit up. She pointed to herself, the red was now only on the very edge of her fingers and a very desaturated red, "Doon"

"Doon? That's quite the name you've got there." Levi chuckled, "where did you come from?"

Doons excitement was washed away, her eyes dulled as she stared at her feet, "bad".

"Bad?" Levi was confused.

"Bad" Doon reassured.

"Well I've got to take you down to the shel-" Levi was stopped by the horror on the little girl's face.

"No," she pleaded. Tears began to fall down her face, "no!" She jumped into Levi's arms and hugged him.

Doon's tears soaked into Levis' shirt, he sighed, "ok, ok kiddo i get it i get it." He wrapped his hand around the back of her head and held her close, "I'll keep you safe, I promise."

Doon sat up, a very grateful expression on her face. She crawled closer to Levi and rested her head on his chest, "safe" she repeated.

Levi opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling, he felt a small movement by his arm, he turned and saw Doon in his armpit fast asleep. Reminded of his decision to protect her he held her tight. Doon hugged his arm, her soft, short fur climbed up to her shoulder and seamlessly became skin, the same applied to her legs except it climbed up to her thighs. She had normal palms except with fur and her fingers were jagged with retractable claws. Levi carefully sat up and began to cook an egg for Doon. He heard wimpers from where his bed was.

Returning to his bedside, he saw Doon with tears dribbling down her face, "Gone!" she sobbed as she dove into Levi's arms.

Levi rubbed Doon's back, "Doon, i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you like that. I promise I won't just leave you out of the blue ok?"

Doon turned her back, she sniffled and rubbed her eyes, "Out of the blue?" she repeated.

"It's a saying for without warning." Levi explained. Doon understood.

Her belly roared with hunger, Levi laughed, "don't worry i just finished making breakfast come on!"

Levi stood up and was surprised to see Doon continue to walk on all her legs. He helped her to the table and she carefully ate her scrambled eggs.

Once the eggs were gone Levi turned to Doon, "can you walk on just your back legs?" Doon nodded.

"Hard," she replied.

"Let's try practicing some!" Levi and Doon practiced for a few hours.

A few days passed as an incredibly hot day rolled around, Levi held out a purple popsicle to Doon, "careful it's cold".

Doon bit into it and recoiled, "Very cold!" She smiled, large fangs were in that smile. "Very good!" Doon continued to eat the popsicle.

A month had passed since Levi first found Doon, Levi turned to Doon, "I am going to go check the mail ok?".

Doon turned her head. "Mail?".

Levi took a knee, "It's a way to talk to people or send them stuff!" Doon nodded, "I'll be quick so be careful and don't mess with anything you're not supposed to, and if you're good we can split a popsicle ok?"

Doon smiled wide, "ok!"

Levi reached into the mail box and pulled out the usual newspaper and rent but one thing stood out to him, a ragged letter. He opened the poorly written letter.

"Come to this address if you want to know more about Doon" the letter read, with an address written beneath it.

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