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Recap : Nikolai Gogol is a new student at fyodors school, fyodor wasn't exactly welcoming but agreed to show him around, and in that time Nikolai managed to get himself covered in paint.

Fyodor and Nikolai were talking and laughing as if they'd know eachother all their lives, tho they just met Fyodor felt a strange connection to the other.

"Ah you still have a bit of paint there.." fyodor said gently tilting up his chin. Nikolais poor little heart couldn't help but race. Unfortunately their moment was interrupted by someone walking in. The person looked shocked and quickly ran out.

"What was that all about?" Nikolai said curiously.  "No clue..But anyways, you ready to continue the tour?"

"I'd like that!"

They both got up and left.the rest of the day went on as normal besides some death stares from sigma. It was about 2pm when there last class was dismissed. As usual, fyodor walked home with his freinds.

"Yo fyodor!" Chuuya started


"Everyone's saying you and that new student have somethin' going on.."

Sigma exclaimed "what?!"

"Yo you good simba?"

"I- yes I'm fine dammit, AND MY NAME ISNT SIMBA?!"

Chuuya laughed before looking back at fyodor

"So do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you have something going on with him?"

Fyodor went quiet for a moment

"No. Of course not.."

The rest of the walk back Fyodor was particularly quiet, sigma had tried to start a conversation with fyodor multiple times but failed .

• • • •

Once fyodor got home only one thing was on his mind. Nikolai.

I adore you.. {fyolai}Where stories live. Discover now