*cutely forgets what I named this*

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You woke with a yawn, feeling something on top of you. It was rather light and didn't feel heavy , so you assumed it was a pillow and tried to ignore it, that is.. until you realized... it was breathing. this wasn't a pillow. You slowly looked over, hoping not to wake whatever this was. If it was asleep it would be more likely you'd survive... you looked down to see fluffy black hair and faint bits of blue. Then you noticed it holding onto your sweaters sleeve tightly, snuggled up to you unconsciously.

As you tried to pull your arm away, it grabbed your arm with an annoyed grumble and huffed before snuggling into you more. You couldn't really move farther away , or you'd fall off the bed. You thought for a bit before you got the idea to try and move whoever this was to the other side. Carefully lifting it up, you moved it over to the other pillow and tried to get its grip off your sweater. They however, moved back with a disgruntled groan and mumbled something as they almost knocked you off the bed again.

"Can you just not.?" You mutter, then see them roll the other way and fall off the bed with a loud thud. As you peer over to see if they're fine, you see that indeed, THEY SOMEHOW ARE STILL ASLEEP?! You got up, creeping away from the bed and glancing over at the door. It didn't take long before you managed to get to the door and walked out.

"FRIEND!! YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE -!!" Bub ran over, and fell flat on his face but eventually made it to you. "DONT WORRY IM OKAY-"

"How the- Are you sure?! That looked extremely painful-" you lean down, checking the dragon for any marks. Thankfully it was just a small cut and nothing serious "do you know if -" you paused , having forgotten the mouse's name "matty? The cute little mouse thing?"


"Yeah, him"

"I dunno, we're gonna have to ask! I know uncle pac is awake , and so is Bob, but I dunno about the rest." He paused "is digdug awake? I heard him talking about getting the bed first"

....That explained a lot....

"Yeah... let's just go get the med kit." You walked over , looking for the mouse or even a med kit nearby, and fantastically, it was EXTREMELY dark everywhere. As you walked around the dark hallways, you heard a sharp hiss of pain and somebody suddenly banging into you

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