Birth of An Imperium

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5 Years Later:

The Entity remained where she was imprisoned, chained in a dark, windowless room, with only one flickering light source. A small electric light in the ceiling was her only companion. Alone, with nobody to turn to, and noone to work with, she sat, silent.

It would've been impossible to understand what her thoughts were before. After all, she wasn't human. But, she now understands why things turned out how they did. She was too rash. To quick to action. She was emotional, and that was her downfall. Her rumination was interrupted as the door to her cell opened, and a familiar face looked down at her.

She smiled, even against her chains. A bitter, sour smile, of pain and torment... as that is the source of all of it for her. "Izuku Midoriya. Come to bask in your victory, yet again?"
He was wearing grand attire. Completely over the top, the garments of royalty. However much time had passed, he still looked young, as if it were the day she was defeated.

 However much time had passed, he still looked young, as if it were the day she was defeated

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His voice was calm, yet cold. They knew where each other stood, at least. "I don't need to. I'm reminded of it everyday. But that's not why I'm here. You mentioned before... other gods? One stronger than you. Is this true?"
"It was something I wish I was lying about." She admitted.

"I see..." She murmured, "Why am I still here?"

"You are still here, because you are a shield." Izuku explained, "While your other half exists, you two will still fight each other. However, I believe you are more..." He knelt down to her level, and stared into her eyes unflinchingly. "...reasonable."

"You took everything from me. Why would I ever help you?" she spat, partially out of hunger. There was little access to food, the emotions to sustain her. It had made the etherial being weak. And she hated weakness. 
However... Izuku actually offered an escape from the prison of her own making. "Because I can give you another path. Sure, you used to be a being of torment, but I know what you really want. You feed off hope. Why be a symbol of fear, when you can be a symbol of hope, where your presence inspires it in all who see you? You can gain hope passively, but it will be a hard, arduous process. Would you want to try?" She thought for a moment. It was such a simple solution... but... how could she trust him?

"And you're just... giving this to me?"

He ignored the jab at his nature. After all, he had three chances to kill her, and didn't take a single one. Even with everything she subjected him to, and everything Earth had thrown at him before, he never descended to a killer's level. And his answer cemented that. "I am a believer in second chances. It would be easy to keep you here, especially after all you have done. Especially how you went after my mother and hurt Sadako... But I believe that you could be far more useful if given purpose, like you gave Adiris purpose."

She didn't have a retort to that, so she asked him, "What is with your regalia? That is new."
He smiled. It wasn't a joyous one, but a sardonic, uncaring one. "Ah, you noticed. Well, the world has changed. It turns out that people see me and my knights as heroes. Since I was the one to strike you down, they wanted me to lead, even eventually calling me "Emperor". It's almost reverence on par with religion." He shook his head, clearly displeased, but unable to honestly go against that. He did beat a god. He did wound another. "But that is to be formalized today. Since I'm being given an immense responsibility, including defending against godlike beings, I wanted to ask you more about them. In order to trust you, I need concrete information to work off of on these beings... Celestials. And the one far stronger than you. The Goddess. Mind telling me more?"

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