Ch. 11

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                                                    Jordie POV 

Steve lead me out the back of the house he lead me through this rose garden, a bunch of rose hedges. that lead to this beautiful gazebo with climbing roses. He sat down on one of the built in benches patting the seat next to him. 

"Sit." He said 

So I sat down next to him. 

"So I have Bucky and Sam checking out why they denied your claim. But I want to ask you something." He said taking my hand

I nodded 

"I did some digging and found the trips to the hospital with very suspicious injuries." He said 

I fold my hands looking down that's a road I really don't want to talk about. 

The pain he put me through, the savage beatings over dumb shit. I would rather just block it all out. 

Suddenly I felt Steve grab my chin making me look at him. 

"Come on sweetheart no secrets." He said rubbing my chin with his thumb

"I- I uh was just clumsy." I mumbled 

"Now come on sweetheart if I was even naive I wouldn't believe that." He said 

I couldn't look at him so I looked down. 

I felt him grab my chin again making me look at him. 

"Sweetheart tell me. Don't make me remind you of our deal." He said 

"Steve please don't make me tell you." I said 

Steve arched his brow, 

"Why are you protecting who ever was hurting you?" He said sternly 

"I'm not I just don't wanna talk about it." I said just as stern, 

I stood up. 

But that quickly Steve had a hold on me. He had my shirt in his fist making me look up at him. 

"I wasn't asking you to tell me, I am telling you to tell me." He said giving me that dark glare that sends shivers down my spine. 

I need to remember that Steve is the King of New York for a reason. 

I nodded 

We sat down again. 

"So uh.. where do you want me to start?' I asked 

"The beginning is always a good start." He said still talking sternly 

I nodded

I had my hands folded on my lap looking down at them. 

"So uh you're right. I was to the hospital a lot. I few years ago I met my ex. We worked together when I lived in Colorado. But not long after moving in together did he show his real side." I said closing my eyes remember the sinister look in his eyes as he beat the crap out of me. 

"At first it was just little things. A small smack or a push or telling me how everything was my fault." I said I was still looking down at my hands. 

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes having to bring out of the dark everything I wanted to keep in the dark. 

"After so many trips to the hospital. I tried leaving, But every time I did.... I paid the price." I said closing my eyes feeling the tears fall down my cheeks

"Why do you think I was so good at evading you? I had to run from him..." I said as I started crying 

Next thing I know I'm brought into his chest. my hands bunching his suit. 

"I kept running." I cried 

"Shhh, Sweetheart, what's his name?' Steve said 

"What?" I asked 

"What's his name?" He said again more sternly 

"Eric...Eric Chevy" I said through sobs. his chin on top of my head and he petted my hair.

Avengers, captiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang