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Rhian turned off her mic pack as she crossed the room to where Glaiza was leaned against the bar, laughing and talking with a very attractive woman.


It looked like flirting, and while it was certainly Glaiza's prerogative to flirt with whomever she wanted, she didn't need to do it in front of the cameras. Or in front of Rhian.

She slid into an opening at the bar, catching Glaiza's eye.

"I sent the crew on their break if you want to turn that off for a little while."

She gestured toward Glaiza's mic pack.

"Yeah, sure," Glaiza said, reaching behind herself to switch it off.

Her dark hair shone beneath the overhead lighting like she was some sort of fairy, a very adorable fairy who made Rhian's heart beat too fast every time she looked at her.

"Everything okay over here?" Rhian asked.

Glaiza nodded enthusiastically, waving a hand toward the woman Rhian had hoped to ignore.

"Actually, I wanted to introduce you to Solenn."

Reluctantly, Rhian turned toward her with a polite smile, extending a hand.

"Rhian Ramos ."

Solenn eyes widened as she took it and shook. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I love your show."

"Thank you."

"Solenn named our kittens," Glaiza told her.

"And now she's thinking of adopting a couple of them."

"Oh?" Rhian had to think for a moment to figure out what she was talking about.

She'd forgotten all about Glaiza's fundraiser to name the kittens.

"That's great."

"Rhian's the one who found them in a trash can," Glaiza told Jules.

"And she raised them for the first week or so until I was able to take them in."

"Wow," Solenn said.

"I had no idea you'd found them. That's so horrible. I can't imagine how someone could throw them out like that."

Rhian nodded.

"Anyway, I hope you put up a new video of them soon," Solenn told Glaiza.

"I'll give you my number before I leave."

With a friendly wave, she picked up her drink and went to join several other women at one of the high-top tables along the wall.

"Isn't that cool?" Glaiza said, pulling out a cloth to wipe down the bar.

"I hope it works out for her to adopt them."


Rhian drummed her fingers against the smooth wood, not particularly thrilled by the idea of the kittens going home with Solenn or about Solenn giving Glaiza her number, however petty that was of her.

"Want something to drink?"

"Just water," Rhian said.

"I'm working."

"Gotcha." Glaiza grabbed a glass and filled it, plunking it down in front of her.

"How do you think things are going so far?"

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