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Amber's POV

Were busy today
Jade is mastering her drums, Alex is reading her book while eating chocolate(her favorite) and I'm finishing my lyrics for our song.
Were really busy but it kills time.While I was writing the chorus my phone suddenly rang.

To: Amber

Amber,Sweetie! I have something to tell you,but you won't like it.
Sweetie!You will move to your new home with your friends,just like you wanted but....
You need to be enrolled to any school,
You can't have your freedom if you won't go to school with your friends plus your friends parents also agreed so no escaping.

Good Luck

Huh!!!!Not again!! ,I said covering my face and letting myself fall on my bed.

Let me guess,Your father? Jade said while putting her drum sticks down

What does he want? Jade questioned

He wants as to enroll new school, He said if we'll get enrolled he won't buther us anymore ,I answered

REALLY!!!! Jade suddenly souted making my ears hurt.

Hey guys?? Can I walk for a bit outside??Alone?? Alex said making Jade pout when she heard the word alone,>"

Sure!No prob ,I said as I continued to write the lyrics


I ran towards the door and open it, I felt a light breeze touching my skin lightly and felt the warmed of the sun welcoming me as I went outside
I walk slowly feeling the moment but then a mud puddle destroyed my moment when I slipped and hit my butt

Ouch!!! I yelped in pain while strongly wipe my face to remove the mud,But then someone passed by and kicked some dirt making my shirt dirty

Hey!!!What are you doing!!?? I yelled


Hey!!! Don't you dare turn your back on me!!!


Hey!!!Come back here!!!! I yelled while standing but the mud is to slippery, I closed my eyes waiting for the moment that I'll hit the ground

Open your eyes..
What?? (Me)
I said open your eyes,
Why?? (Me)
Is this heaven?? ,I asked still not opening my eyes.
Just open your eyes!


I'm afraid....

Just open your eyes!!!

What if I don't???

I'll let go..


Ok! You asked for it! He dropped me from the ground making my butt hurt

Ahhwwww!!!!!Hey!!! I'll kill you remember that!!!! I'LL SURELY KILL YOU!!!! ,I shouted as he walks away emotionless.

What a jerk....,I smirked and went inside to wash myself

*fast forward*

As I was done washing myself I quickly dress myself and went downstairs...

Hey guys I'll be going out to take an exam so I won't take long...,I said to them and they nodded so I quickly rushed to the car and drove my way out....The truth is I lied to them about taking an exam :-P

I quickly went to my personal studio and recorded my song *My song is all about my emotion*

You can listen while reading ^_^ * Media
#pls.imagine that this is her singing:-)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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