My first day

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It was 5:30 AM and my stupid older brother decided to wake me up for school, even though I didn't have to be there until 8:00 AM. "VY WAKE UP! YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL! YOU CAN'T MISS YOUR FIRST DAY! "mMmmMmMM~ FiVe MoRE miNuTEs." "NO GET UP!" And then he threw a pillow at me. I just decided to get up instead of fighting with him. "FINE! I"M UP, JOSH! GOD!" Yes, I know. You're probably thinking, "Wait, JoshDub is you're older brother?!" And yes, he is. Well kind of. My father sadly passed away when I was little, and so did Josh's mother. So his father offered to help my mother and move in with her. After a while they fell in love and got married. But anyways, along with him he brought his son, Josh. Josh has a sister too, Alana. But she moved out a little while back, so it's just me and Josh now. My mother got put in jail . She was sentenced for life. And we don't really have the money to bail her out. My step-dad, Josh's dad, is in the hospital. He was in a car accident. That car accident is also the reason my mother is in jail. She tried to kill everybody in that car. Josh's dad, Josh's dad's friends, and even one of their baby's was in the car, and thankfully she was ok. She was just injured. The one who got most hurt was Josh's dad. Me and my mother were never really close. We fell apart after my dad's passing. Which happened when I was 5.

 Anyways, I got up and push Josh out of my room. I grabbed some clothes from my drawer and went into my bathroom. I put my clothes on along with some jewellery. I did my makeup and when I was finished I walked downstairs. I saw Josh in the kitchen making breakfast. "Whatcha makin'?" "Food." "Seriously dude." I sat down at the table and waited. "Omg, are you almost done?!" I was starting to grow impatient. "Yes, Veronica. I am almost done." "hhhh." I was waiting patiently when I heard a knock at my door. I got up and answered.

 "Hi, I'm Amber! I'm new at school, along with my friends here." She moved and there were 4 girls behind her. "This is Gabby, this is Jeaire, this is Liv, and this is Kristy." I was starstruck the second I looked at Kristy. She was so beautiful..."No, I'm straight..." I thought to myself. I ignored the feeling. I looked at Amber. "Um, alright. I can show you girls around town before school, just give me five minutes." "Okay! Thanks!" "No prob." I shut the door and ran back to the kitchen. "I don't have time for breakfast today, I have some people I need to show around town." I was in a hurry. "Are they guys?" He looked worried but in a mean way. "No, they're women." I quickly grabbed a pancake and ran to the door. I shoveled the pancake into my mouth and calmed myself down. I opened the door and walked out. "Alright, let's start with...hmm...well this is my house. If you ever wanna hang out I'm usually here. Sometimes I go to the library to read or write, but I usually do that here, in my room." "Cool!" "Awesome!" "Noice!" "Lovely!" They all said something, except Kristy. She looked zoned out, so I said something to her to break the silence. "So uh...Kristy, what do you like to do? Uh- I'm asking because you seem to be staying quiet. I understand, I have social anxiety, so trust me, it happens." "Huh- Oh uh, nice. Yeah sorry I was just..." She started to turn red. Surely it was for some reason that didn't involve me...right?

 "I was just...thinking of...stuff...Sorry. I like reading and writing too. I mostly play video games though, with these lovely ladies." She said, half-jokingly. "Sick! What games do you play?" "COD, GTA, Roblox, PUBG, and others." "No way! My fave game ever is COD!" "Omg yes!" Kristy and I were getting along pretty well. The whole time I was showing them around I was talking to Kristy. It felt nice to finally have a friend.

 We got to school after I finished showing them around. I liked our school, so I was finally happy to be there. "So this is the school, huh? Kinda boring considering the way you described it." Jeaire said, questioningly. "Well yeah, but all the teachers are extremely nice, and there's only like three or four kids who actually hate being here. The only mean kids are the cheerleaders. Well, some of them. Most of them are pretty nice, actually." I said while walking in with them. We finally made it to our classes, and I was happy to find that Kristy and I had the exact same schedule. Kristy and I walked into our classroom and sat down. She sat right next to me. We decided to start passing notes while the teacher wasn't looking. Our conversation was mostly talking about what we like and somehow we ended up talking about Eric Cartman from South Park...I don't know how. But anyways.

 Our classes for the day were finally over and it was time for lunch. Kristy and I sat at the table where the rest of the girls sat. We were surprised to see Josh, Eduardo, Gaege, Grant, and Mullen also there. I didn't usually talk to them. They're older than me, and friends with Josh, so I preferred to not get involved with them, but surprisingly they were quite nice. I especially enjoyed talking to Eduardo, who then told me to call him Eddie. So I did. When lunch was over Eddie and I exchanged numbers. I realized that Kristy looked kind of upset while Eddie and I were doing this. Which was weird because I already had her number, along with the rest of the girls'. I also got Gaege's number, Grant's, and Mullen's. Mullen also told me to call him Mully, so I did. I put their contacts in, and now my phone was full if contacts. Nine extra numbers, wow.

Contacts     👤     Add new contact

Grant 👍

Gaege 🧃

Mully 💀

Eddie 😍

Jeaire 👾

Amber 👛

Liv 🤌

Gabby 😁

Kristy 💗

Josh 🤢

 That was my contacts list at this point. Anyways. Kristy and I decided to skip the rest of the day and sneak out somewhere. We snuck out the cafeteria window and ran as fast as we could. We starting making plans to run away together, as a joke. But it sounded sorta nice?

 We snuck into the woods, about 3 miles away from the school. We both put our backs against the trees and giggled. She pulled my wrist. "Follow me. There's somewhere I wanna show you." Apparently she found somewhere she could go to relax, even though she had just moved here during the summer. She brought me to a cliff kind of area with a big rock. She let go of my wrist and sat down on the rock, I sat next to her. 

 "Wow. This place is beautiful...How'd you find it?" "I guess I just like exploring? I found this place once while walking in the woods." "Why were you in the woods?" "To escape reality. Sometimes I just need a break from everything, Y'know?" "I understand." "Yeah. I guess I just liked keeping this place to myself. I haven't even told Gabby, and she's my best friend." "So why're you showing me..? I'm not that special..." "You are..." She moved her hand onto mine and looked me in the eyes. "I have to tell you something Vy..." I looked a little confused, but intrigued. "Yes..?" "I kinda sorta maybe like you just a tiny bit..." I looked at her with a surprised expression. I never thought in a million years that anyone like Kristy would like me... "I mean, the second I met you this morning, I knew. I knew I liked you..." "Wow...Kristy...I-I don't even know what to say..." "You don't have to say anything...I understand if you don't like me back...I mean- I don't even know your sexuality. I just wanted to tell you. I wanted you to hear it from me. And I get it if you-" I cut her off. "Kristy...! I'm gay..." "You-You are...?!" "Yes. I am. I haven't told anybody yet, but...I'm a Lesbian." "Oh...I-I-" "I'm guessing you're Bisexual or Pansexual?" "Yes, I'm Bi...B-But you''re really gay...? You're not lying?" "I wouldn't lie to you, Kristy...ever..." We looked in each others eyes and moved closer to each other. We kissed each other passionately. We sorta started making out after a while...It was nice to finally feel attraction to somebody. Somebody who actually liked me back. Someone who was...a girl.

 After we were done making out, I took out my phone to check Snap. I got on and saw myself in my camera. "Kristy..." "Yes, Ma chérie?" "Um..." I lifted my neck up and looked at it closer in my camera. "You-You gave me a..." "A hickey." "B-But I can't go back home with this on my neck...Josh would kill me!" "Don't worry, Mon trésor. Gimme your neck. I can cover it up with some makeup. Do you trust me?" "Of course I do." "Good, now stay still...We don't want anyone to see it." "Okay..."

 Kristy offered to walk me home, so I agreed. We got inside and saw Eddie and Josh sitting on the couch. Josh got up and went into the kitchen. Eddie got up and pulled my arm gently while I was trying to go upstairs with Kristy. "Hey uh...Where you goin', Hickey...?"

Word count: 1639



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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