Part -1

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It was a warm evening on the ghats of Ganga river. The sun was setting in the horizon, painting the sky with warm hues of orange and pink. A dusky woman named Radhika was sitting on one of the steps, looking at the river flow by. She was wearing a simple salwar kameez, and had a pair of spectacles perched on her nose. Radhika was a freelance writer, and was trying to get some inspiration for her next piece.As she sat there lost in thought, she noticed a woman walking towards her. She was a beautiful blonde, with piercing blue eyes and a confident stride. Radhika couldn't help but notice how stunning the woman was. She was wearing a short dress and high heels, which seemed out of place on the ghats.

The woman introduced herself as Sarah, and said that she was visiting from New York. She was a successful fashion designer, and was in India for inspiration for her next collection. Radhika was surprised by the contrast in their lives, but she was intrigued by Sarah's confidence and charm.

Over the next few weeks, Radhika and Sarah became close friends. They would meet every evening on the ghats and talk about their lives, their dreams, and their fears. Radhika would often tell Sarah about her struggles as a freelance writer, and Sarah would share her experiences as a successful fashion designer. Despite their different backgrounds, they found that they had a lot in common.

As they spent more time together, Radhika began to feel a deep connection with Sarah. She was drawn to her confidence and beauty, and found herself feeling envious of her success. Sarah, on the other hand, admired Radhika's intelligence and wit, and was fascinated by her writing.

One evening, as they were sitting on the ghats, Sarah revealed that she would be leaving for New York the next day. Radhika was shocked and saddened by the news. She had grown so used to Sarah's company that the thought of her leaving was unbearable.As they said their goodbyes, Radhika realized how much Sarah had impacted her life. She had taught her to be confident, to embrace her own beauty, and to pursue her dreams without fear. Sarah had become a part of her life, and now she was leaving without any warning.

In the days that followed, Radhika found herself constantly thinking about Sarah. She wondered what she was doing, whether she was happy, and whether she missed her as much as Radhika missed her. She realized that Sarah had left a deep impression on her, and that she was dependent on her presence in her life.

Months passed, and Radhika tried to move on with her life. She wrote several successful articles, and even got a book deal. But despite her success, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was missing in her life.

Then one day, out of the blue, Radhika received a call from Sarah. She was back in India, and wanted to meet up with her. Radhika was overjoyed by the news, and they met that same evening on the ghats.As they sat there, looking at the river flow by, Radhika realized that she had never stopped loving Sarah. Her beauty had subdue Radhika, and her absence had left a void in her life that she had been unable to fill. Sarah, too, revealed that she had missed Radhika terribly, and that she had been thinking about her every day since she left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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