Chapter 8: Afternight: Relax

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The morning came it was very gloomy outside it started to rain and it looked like it wasnt going to stop anytime soon. Haruka awoke first she sat up and stretched she looked over to see milo sleeping peacefully on her bed. Haruka smiled, she then layed back down and hugged milo gently so he would wake up. They were so close together.

Milo opened his eyes and saw Haruka kiss him gently on the cheek,he laughed quietly before getting up. Milo headed into the living room and dazed at the weather outside. He began to get bored, he had plans today and the rain was ruining it. He sighed then peeked at the window again noticing that the sun had come out and the rain was beginning to come to a halt.

He sprung up and a cheerful smile erased the dull expression he had on his face. He ran into haruka's room running straight towards his best friend. he gently placed his hands around his friend and picked up Bartholomew. He grinned as bartholomew looked up at him with joy. Milo left the building leaving with bartholomew. There was a small ice cream place in the town. They entered and Milo picked the table for two and claimed it for both him and his kitty companion. Milo sat down on the chair while opposite was bartholomew, sitting on the table since he was too small to sit on the chair. Milo ordered two ice creams, a chocolate ice cream for himself and vanilla for bartholomew.

The music in the restaurant was nice it was playing best friend. They both smiled at each other and went to explore other places and have the time of their life.Bartholomew was sitting on the swing while Milo was pushing him back and forth.That day they did everything thing together,they fed ducks together, ate ice cream, sid down slides, went cloud watching but quickly enough it was getting late. When having fun time tends to go by quicker.

They both sat down on the golden sand at the beach, the sun was setting and the colours were beautiful as they both watched them slowly disappear.They looked at each other smiling. Milo laughed.

Milo:This day has been one of the best days of my life,I enjoyed our time together Bartholomew.

Milo kissed Bartholomew .Then picked him up and started walking back home with him.

They both are now home and it's dark outside. Milo placed Bartholomew in his cage next to his bed and began to doze off to sleep.

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