The Reichenbach Fall Part Two

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A/N: Okay, here we go... Sorry in advance, I feel like we all know what's coming.

Zyair sits in the cab with John and Zyair when they hear sudden gunfire "Stop here." Zyair tells the cabbie, making him stop where Sherlock is. Zyair runs over with John and Mattheo "Sherlock!" John exclaims, calling an ambulance. The ambulance soon pulls up and takes the man's body away "That... it's him. It's him. Sulejmani or something. Mycroft showed me his file. He's a big Albanian gangster lives two doors down from us." John says. "He died because I shook his hand." Sherlock says. "What d'you mean?" John asks. "He saved my life but he couldn't touch me. Why?" he asks, storming off. Zyair sighs and follows after his dad with the other two following behind them.

They get back to Baker Street where they head up to the living room, Sherlock pulling off his scarf and coat as he heads over to the dining table "Four assassins living right on our doorstep. They didn't come here to kill me; they have to keep me alive. I've got something that all of them want, but if one of them approaches me..." he trails off. "...the others kill them before they can get it." John finishes, looking out the window. Zyair sits on the sofa, Mattheo joining him "All of the attention is focussed on me. There's a surveillance web closing in on us right now." Sherlock explains, typing away on the laptop "So what have you got that's so important?" John asks. Zyair frowns and looks at the table "We need to ask about the dusting." he says. Sherlock gets up and drags Mrs Hudson upstairs in her nightdress and dressing gown "Precise details: in the last week, what's been cleaned?" he asks. "Well, Tuesday I did your lino..." she starts. "No, in here, this room. This is where we'll find it, any break in the dust line. You can put back anything but dust. Dust is eloquent." Sherlock explains, looking round the room with Zyair. "What's he on about?" Mrs Hudson asks quietly. John shakes his head, not knowing himself "Cameras. We're being watched." Zyair explains, searching the mantle piece. "What? Cameras? Here? I'm in my nightie!" Mrs Hudson exclaims, going to get the door as the doorbell rings.

John follows as Sherlock climbs up and finds the camera hidden on the bookshelf "No, Inspector." he says as John and Lestrade walk in. "What?" Lestrade asks. Sherlock steps down with the camera in his fingers "The answer's no." he tells him. "But you haven't heard the question!" Lestrade tells him. "You want to take me to the station. Just saving you the trouble of asking." Sherlock responds. "Sherlock..." Lestrade starts. "The scream?" Zyair asks, interrupting. "Yeah." Lestrade nods. "Who was it? Donovan? I bet it was Donovan." Zyair glares. "Am I somehow responsible for the kidnapping? Ah, Moriarty is smart. He planted that doubt in her head; that little nagging sensation. You're going to have to be strong to resist. You can't kill an idea, can you? Not once it's made a home... there." Sherlock says, pointing at Lestrade's head. "Will you come?" Lestrade asks. Sherlock turns away and sits down at the table with his laptop, beginning to type "One photograph, that's his next move. Moriarty's game: first the scream, then a photograph of me being taken in for questioning. He wants to destroy me inch by inch. It is a game, Lestrade, and not one I'm willing to play. Give my regards to Sergeant Donovan." he responds.

Lestrade sighs and shares a look with John before walking out, John going over to the window to watch Lestrade leave with Donovan "They'll be deciding." Zyair tells his dad. "Deciding?" John asks as Sherlock nods. "Whether to come back with a warrant and arrest me." Sherlock tells John. "You think?" John asks. "Standard procedure." Sherlock responds. "Should have gone with him. People'll think..." John starts. "I don't care what people think." Sherlock cuts him off. "You'd care if they thought you were stupid, or wrong." John tells him. "No, that would just make them stupid or wrong." Sherlock retorts.
"Sherlock, I don't want the world believing you're..." John breaks off as Sherlock lifts his head to look at him. "That I am what?" Sherlock asks. "A fraud." John responds. Sherlock rolls his eyes and sits back in the seat "You're worried they're right." he tells John. "What?" John asks. "You're worried they're right about me." Sherlock tells him. "No." John denies. "That's why you're so upset. You can't even entertain the possibility that they might be right. You're afraid that you've been taken in as well." Sherlock continues. John turns away and looks out of the window again "No I'm not." he denies. Sherlock leans forward Moriarty is playing with your mind too. Can't you see what's going on?" he asks, slamming his hand on the table. John looks at him for a few seconds before looking out of the window again "No, I know you're for real." he tells Sherlock, looking at him. "A hundred percent?" Sherlock asks. "Well, nobody could fake being such an annoying dick all the time." John tells him, turning back to the window. Zyair smirks slightly as he rejoins Mattheo on the sofa, resting his head onto his shoulder as he does so.

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