Crazy 10-Minute Sale

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At the substation was 4 kids who had one thing in common....they all have powers. You might know this story or something similar. Years ago there was three exceptional wizards. Alex, Justin and Max. The last time we seen these Wizards was at the wizard competition battling it out to become the family Wizard. Alex wins the competition but Justin gets to keep his power's because of him telling the truth about Alex winning and gets granted the new head master of WizTech. Many years has passed since then. Justin is still head master of WizTech, Max without powers running the sub station and Alex being..... well Alex.

Back to the story, there was 4 wizards in training, First the oldest daughter Kylie Russo. She is the the tough Russo always watching out for her siblings. Next is Marie Russo, she's the self center and social influencer, then we have Mateo he's the youngest and only boy who is crazy smart and overachiever like his uncle Justin. Finally we have 14 year old Aria who is most described just like her mom, Alex Russo. Alex is now all grown up with her wife Aimee and 4 kids.. Kylie, Marie, Aria and Mateo! Alex is now training her 4 kids in wizardry. She often uses her fathers methods as she wanted her kids to have the same training as she did with her brothers. But just like Alex, Aria often gets into trouble as she once did. It was ok because Alex can relate but at the same time is annoyed because she used to pull the same thing on her dad back then. Alex motions her kids to finishing up their food as Alex's wife Aimee comes downstairs. They both kiss each other and watch their kids as they ate. Max was in the back making subs and bringing out out to customers. Max smiles at Alex. Max walks over to Alex and Aimee.

"Can you believe that I'm running the sub station now?" asks Max!

Alex replies, "To be honest, I thought you would've been the janitor of the sub station!"

"Hey wait a minute! I could've been a janitor of the sub station? That would've been way better if I was. How do i apply to be the Janitor?", says Max.

"You're the boss. You can do it already if you want to!", says Alex.

"I don't want to pick myself over favoritism, Alex." replies Max'

Alex looks at him and laughs as she gets her kids to go to the car. They walk outside and goes to the car. Alex kids gets in the car and she explains they had wizard training when the get home. Aria starts complaining how she wanted to go to her friend's Dani's house. Alex looks at her and says that wizard training is more important thing right now. Aria sits back and doesn't say anything. Kylie puts in her headphones as Marie takes a picture of herself. Mateo is sitting reading his wizard book. As Alex drives her family away, Max goes back to the lair and looks to see if anyone's was around him. He uses he hand to make a powerball around his hand appear. He smiles as he makes it go away.

"I hope nobody notices!" Max stands and thinks then walks away.

The next day Aria meets up with her friends at school. Her friends names was Dani Beakerman, Janina Figgins, Iris Lee, and Maya Cho. They were at the lockers looking at cute boys. They were googling at them until Aria tells them that the crazy 10 minute sale was tomorrow and really wanted to go. Dani mentions she doesn't think Aria's mom would let her go. Aria smirks and suggests she has a plan already for that. All the girls smiled and giggled as Principal Figgins looks at them as she walked by. Principal Figgins was Janina's mom. So they all knew what would happen if they didn't get to class on time. They scattered out and heads to class.

Later that evening, Aria meets up with her siblings to have wizard trainings. Alex walks in and tells her kids to sit down and was going to teach them a new spell. It was the duplicate spell. She tells them to be careful while using they they spell. Alex asks Kylie to do the spell. At that time Harper walks into the lair. Alex greets her and tells Harper about what was going on. Alex looks over at Kylie.

"Now repeat this, Kylie. Edgebonoutoosis.", says Alex with a smile.

Kylie nods and repeats the spell as she waves her wand, "Edgebonoutoosis"

Another version of her appears. Alex and the everyone congratulates her. Alex motions to get rid of the ten duplicate. Kylie does so. Alex looks over at Aria. Aria jumps up!

"There's this crazy 10 minute sale happening tomorrow and Dani and I wants to go. Can we go mom?" asked Aria.

"Crazy 10 minute sale you say?" Alex laughed and looks at Harper.

They both say and do their crazy 10 minute sale dance, " What's that? A hat?
Crazy, funky, junky hat
Overslept, hair unsightly
Trying to look like Keira Knightley
We've been there, we've done that
We see right through your funky hat"

The kids starts laughing as Aria says, "You guys are so embarrassing."

"Hey.... I don't look a day older than 22", remarks Alex.

"Yes that's right, bestie", agrees Harper as they give five.

"Oh and for that remark young lady.... You can't go to the crazy 10 minute sale as you have wizard training that day.", Alex says as she looks at her daughter!

Aria then begs if she she could go because all the cool kids from school would be there. Alex still says no but Aria still tries to change her mind. Aimee walks in over hearing it and agrees that Aria needs to focus on wizard training instead of shopping. Harper then starts babbling how Alex had a similar experience long ago and Alex elbows her to not give her daughter any ideas. Harper looks at Alex. Aria smirks.

The next day at school. Aria and Dani was talking by their lockers trying to think of a plan for Aria to go the sale. There mean upper classmen cheerleaders approached them. Their names was Talia, Ashley and Kelly.

 Their names was Talia, Ashley and Kelly

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"Look who it is?" Ugly Ari!", laughs Talia and the the rest of the girls.

"Oh yeah, Talia? You been using that one since the first grade!", snaps Aria!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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