The Excerpt

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It's dark, as the Pokéballs that accompany me strap around my waist. Throughout much trials and tribulations, my friends are the ones that got me this far. Even if they don't like to admit it.

For most people, that would give them massive counts of bolstered enthusiasm, but for me? It only shows me the realization, that this time, I'm all alone. If any luck has to play in this part, it will be because of my Pokemon, my spirit, and tons of brain work.

That's not really what I'm thinking of at the moment though. Just the thought of how bad this could all go down in one single move, shakes me to the core. Course that would be a completely terrible thought to think of before a incredibly major match, looking at the murals in the walls as I walk past them. All the proud and young trainers that have walked through these hallways before me, it makes me realize how important this moment for me is. No matter how I got here, no matter what situation led me to this predicament, it has always been the best interest of my friends and my Pokemon.

I'm only fourteen too. Who would have thought that a young boy from Earth who had no idea what Pokemon was a year ago is walking down the halls of many people who devoted their entire lives to being a Pokemon trainer. And buy lives I mean probably since early childhood to maybe adolescence. A lot of young trainers start as 10-year-olds, where their mothers would just send them off without any regard or responsibility. But for me? Only got here because of some kid who gave me a Pokemon card, and family members who wanted to experience the same things I'm experiencing. Would have never thought a year ago that I would even be being in a Grand stadium. With millions of fans who would deafen you the moment you even step foot outside. As grandistic as that sounds, the thought of what I originally feared came back to mind.

The self reflection of my major flaws.

Knowing how naive of a trainer I am, I'm neither as astute or on my feet as older folk. The exact opposite of my opponent today, Brittany.

I heard that ever since she left me to do her own thing, she's been catching more legendaries than even the prestigious trainers can catch themselves. I couldn't even see a legendary Pokemon, alone catch one, that's who I'm facing tonight.

An absolute juggernaut.

People from all around the region of unova even told themselves that I stand absolutely no chance of defeating her. I even heard the renowned Ash Ketchum couldn't even stand a chance against her.

And that was the first round.

I can only be lucky to know that I've never faced her in the bracket before now, which is why I'm swimming in my own sweat. Pondering if this is going to be the last time I'm ever going to be walking through these hallways.

No matter the circumstances though, i'm here regardless, I start to make way to the end of the of plastered faces, as one thousand roars start to pour out through the hall door I just opened.

It was because I was worried or because the door was actually heavy, but it felt like I was moving stone. Knowing that there's only one way to go, can only look at the light at the end of the hallway.

This is it, this is the last stop.

As a light fades away from behind me, and the door begins to shut, I pause for a brief second to ponder, "I'm enter this hallway alone?".

I'm starting to regret not having any my friends here with me, since I initially refused to go with them. I wanted to train with my Pokemon in solace, but I guess that comes with a price. Being alone and by myself would take toll on my sanity. All for the sake of progress.

I hear a loud thud sound off behind me. Didn't start on me of course, I knew that was the door, but thing that did scare me was the endless fast of darkness that only close up to the end of the hallway. Standing in my way is the Sea of shadow, giving me another reason never to like Ghost type Pokemon.

In a huge sigh, I decide the only way to quell myself from this lonely solace, was to help quench it with one of my dearest.

Manetrike, named Savannah, got me so far through all of this that surprised that I'm not lost in a gutter somewhere. Help me with so many things throughout my entire adventure here. She was the only one at first that helped me up whenever I was acquit. Now is the one too help me pass through this unimaginable situation.

Wondering whether I should let her out or not, fearing I get disqualified for prematurely taking her out. I just didn't care at all at this point.

Sound of hollowed plastic hit the concrete, and the glow of flashing light spills out of the Pokéball.

Taking shape from the phosphorus glow, I didn't say a word until I instinctively nealt down to meet to her level. Only the waning glow of Manectric and whatever Sparks were left started to dissipate. Of the matter she took shape, and from my as her face met mine. From behind her, I could actually see the hallway, strobed by constant sparks. Glowing against the walls for a brief moments at a time, until everything went dark again. Even though I could barely see a thing anymore, I could feel her whiskers rub against my hand as I reached out for her. This is the best feeling I felt in a while. Constantly being out on the road without her felt soul crushing. On top of the routinely mandatory inspections the managers made me do got me sick to my stomach. It's just good to know that you have someone by your side, even if they might go down fighting with you.

Excerpt From "Second Journey And The Continuing Majesty"Where stories live. Discover now