Chapter Twenty: Shopping Trip

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"What a night it has been," Kumiko murmured as she tossed herself upon the futon beside Ichiro. "We went drinking with Mrs. Konno, of all people and even ran into Hideo again. Is some time to ourselves too much to ask for?"

"We still have tomorrow," Ichiro reminded her after recovering from the impact. He sighed when he reached out to feel the loose-fitting striped garments known as pajamas. "Don't we?"

"I suppose you're right. But I'll still need to call Izumi and arrange an appointment. Who knows how that will turn out?"

"Oh, that," Ichiro remembered the confusing instructions and nodded. From what little he had understood, they had sounded more like an invitation for a potential customer than a request for a medium to deal with a troublesome spirit. "Let's just hope it goes well. I'm a little anxious."

"Of course." Kumiko lay down. "I won't let you go alone. I'll come along as support."

"But, what about your job?"

"I'll just pretend to be sick. Your safety is a lot more important."

"I see." Ichiro tried to relax by resting his head on the pillow beside Kumiko's. "Do you have any advice when it comes to ghosts?"

Kumiko glanced at him. "Well, most are like Tsutomu. They just need someone to talk to them and help sort out their unfinished business. That said, irredeemable ghosts exist too. Those are the ones who will try to hurt anyone they come across. If we meet one, your priority should be to get away and leave things to me. I don't want you to be eaten or possessed."

Ichiro swallowed, feeling no less uneasy. "Got it. I shouldn't put myself in unnecessary danger..."

"Exactly. Now, we should get some sleep," Kumiko replied in a hurry as she rolled over. "I have a lot planned for us tomorrow."


Ichiro realized how much he had yet to learn while observing Kumiko cook and prepare two bowls of rice porridge with what seemed like minimal effort. However, he soon reminded himself that she'd had centuries to practice, and it was foolish to feel inadequate in the face of such skill.

Just like how I shouldn't be envious of my sister, he thought, only to find that this was a more challenging notion to accept when he had been superior to Isa in every way as a child. He didn't want to be shown up if they ever met her again, so he reminded Kumiko of her promise from last night.

"I don't mean to burden you, but when do you plan to start teaching me to read and write?"

Kumiko looked up at him with her ladle in hand. "Oh, that. It's really important to you, isn't it?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't it be?"

"I guess tonight would be the best time." Kumiko resumed filling the second bowl. "We'll go over greetings and numbers first. How does that sound?"

As a former merchant, Ichiro was already familiar with the characters for various numbers, but greetings would be new to him. He acquiesced with a nod and a smile. "Wonderful. I promise to be a good student."

"Great." Kumiko slid a bowl towards him and claimed the other for herself. "We have some shopping this morning, so eat your fill."


Ichiro clung to Kumiko's arm again when they left the apartment building and took an unfamiliar route to the so-called clothing store that she had told him about earlier.

The name had already escaped his mind, but he distracted himself by speculating how a clothing vendor might operate these days. Back in his day, many of them had been tailors or seamstresses who'd reached a level of skill that allowed them to build a sizeable clientele.

Ichiro hoped this was still the case, but with what he knew now, there was a good chance that advanced machines had also eliminated much of the work required for sewing and embroidering clothing.

His suspicions were proven correct when they stopped by the largest pane of glass he had ever seen. He studied his reflection for a few seconds before focusing on the displays within the store. Faceless white statues were mounted on small platforms and dressed in various clothes. Behind them were rows of metal racks, each adorned with more garments than a person could produce in a week.

"Amazing," he remarked.

"Isn't it?" Kumiko turned to him with a delighted smile. "That's Modern Man for you."

Ichiro stared back at her. "Pardon?"

"It's the name of the store. Because they sell men's clothes and pride themselves on having the latest fashions."

"Oh, of course." Ichiro redirected his attention to the inside of the store. "I knew that..."

Kumiko held out her hand for him to take. "Shall we go in?"

"I don't see why not." He obliged despite how strange things looked beyond the expansive window. "This will be another learning experience..."

And so, Ichiro was tugged forward by his wife once more. The automatous doors slid open before a young man not much older than he was rushed over to greet them.

"Good morning! Shopping as a couple today?"

Ichiro held himself back from revealing his marital status and allowed Kumiko to answer the question.

"Yes. I thought I'd accompany him this time!"

The forced cheer in her voice was enough to deter the shop attendant from staying around them. They were left to their own devices, and Kumiko began to search the rack to their right. Ichiro stood back to observe her method until she pulled out a blue jacket made of some fibrous material. "I think this will look good on you. You have to try it!"

Kumiko nudged the jacket towards him, and he accepted it in confusion. "You mean right now?"

"Yes. The change rooms are just over there!" She took Ichiro by the arm and guided him to face the curtained stalls on the left side of the store. It didn't take a fool to realize their purpose, and he swallowed at the thought of being Kumiko's living doll for the morning. He knew now that her excitement wasn't an act at all. She was genuinely enjoying this.

Perhaps I should just play along. I don't want to ruin her mood.

Ichiro dragged his feet while Kumiko tiptoed behind him. He entered one of the changing rooms and heeded her playful whisper.

"Take your time. I'll be back with more clothes soon."

"All right..." He drew the curtain shut and heard her footsteps fade until there was only the faint hum of electric lights and the traffic outside. A sense of peace came over him as he disrobed like one would in a bathhouse, enjoying the solitude while it lasted. He felt grateful for moments such as these because they were a chance to reflect on the things he observed in this era.

The abundance of clothing in this store seemed too good to be true, and he worried that this might cause people to value it less. If that were true, he could not allow himself to fall to the same level. He was one of the last remnants of a bygone age, and he had to hold onto his principles no matter the cost.


A/N: As alluded to in this chapter, many Japanese ghosts are considered benign. However, onryō are the vengeful kind capable of harming the living and even causing natural disasters in rare circumstances.

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