Chapter Twenty-One: Far Behind

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Ichiro had second thoughts when Kumiko brought several more sets of clothes to the changing room. He had never been made to undress and dress again so many times in the same day, and to make things worse, none of Kumiko's choices really seemed flattering on him. I just want to dress the way I always have. Is that too much to ask for?

He drew the changing room curtain open a little and stuck his head out. "Kumiko, don't you think we should stop for now? This is getting a little excessive."

"What do you mean?" She asked, stopping her browsing to focus on him. "You need a complete wardrobe for spring."

"I know. It's just that I feel overwhelmed by all these new styles. They're so far removed from what we used to wear."

Kumiko's smile faded as she let go of the clothing rack. "Oh, I see how it is. I guess we could do this gradually if you want."

"That would be good," Ichiro replied, knowing that this would at least buy him more time to adjust. "Can we leave soon?"

"Of course. Just try these pants on and let me know what you think." She handed him a light brown pair, then turned on her heels to his waning patience. He spent a moment clutching the pants and glaring at her before resigning himself to another two minutes of frustration.


Ichiro collapsed on the couch with a tired sigh when they finally returned home. Kumiko noticed his behavior and set her bag down so that she could sit beside him.

"Are you all right? I haven't upset you, have I?"

He saw the anxious look in her eyes and straightened his back. "This modern way of shopping is so tiring. How does anyone tolerate it?"

"You learn to enjoy it after a while. I was skeptical at first too."

"Well, I don't want to," Ichiro grumbled. "I wish we had tailors like in the old days. They would take your measurements and make something with whatever was available. None of these trying things on and having to decide business..."

Kumiko's eyes grew wide as she leaned closer to him. "Wait, are you telling me that you don't like having a choice?"

"Not at all!" Ichiro sprung up and she flinched. "It's just that having too many is burdensome. Especially when I have no idea what is supposed to look good."

Seconds passed before Kumiko smiled coyly. She laid her head against his shoulder and stroked his upper arm in an unexpected display of affection. "You know, that's why I'm here. I have a keen eye and I can help you decide. Do you trust me?"

"I suppose..." Just as in the past, Ichiro found it hard to argue with Kumiko whenever she showed such tenderness towards him. He ruffled her hair in response, prompting her to gaze up at him with a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

"You charming bastard," Kumiko murmured, repeating one of the names she had called him by in the past. "Why do you have to make me fall in love with you again?"

Ichiro leaned his head back and contemplated those words. If Kumiko could still feel this way about him after so many years, then perhaps she hadn't changed as much as he'd feared.

"Because I can," he eventually replied. "Don't hold it against me."

"Oh, I will." Kumiko giggled and tossed herself right upon him. He fell backwards with a gasp as she began to straddle him. "I'm in the mood. Are you?"

Ichiro looked up at her eager face, then let his gaze wander down her slender form. The thought of undressing Kumiko and feeling her hips rocking against his was too good to resist, so he nodded.

"Yes, I am. Let's do it."


Well, that wasn't as pleasant as I expected, Ichiro mused while letting warm water rush down his neck and back in the shower. There was so little room for us both. We couldn't even finish!

He swept his hair back to prevent it from sticking to his forehead, then began to rub soap against his skin. Over the sound of the downpour, he could discern Kumiko speaking on the phone in the kitchen. Or at least that was what he wanted to believe, since she could just as easily have been talking to herself like a lunatic.

Fortunately, when he finished showering and left the bathroom, he found that his initial assumption was correct. She was booking an appointment with Izumi, so he stood by and waited to hear the outcome.

"Yes, ten o'clock is fine," Kumiko said before pausing for a few seconds. "Thank you. See you then." She put down the receiver and turned towards Ichiro. "I have good news. We have an appointment next Wednesday at ten in the morning. What do you think?"

"I... I'm thrilled," Ichiro answered, remembering her promise to take over the situation if it became dangerous. "I take it that you'll claim to be sick?"

Kumiko smiled. "Off course. I'm getting bored of my current job anyway."

This notion struck Ichiro as strange when people from his time often pursued the same profession for their whole life. He gave a nervous laugh. "I see. What do you plan to do instead?"

"I'm not sure yet." Kumiko rubbed at her chin. "But I've been thinking that maybe I could join you in this medium business if it works out."

Ichiro quite liked the idea of them being official partners, yet he had to keep his aspirations practical. "And if it doesn't?"

"I'll have to settle for something boring as usual."

"Oh." Ichiro became aware that they still had half a day left to spend. "So, what do we do now?"

Kumiko gestured at the fridge and stove respectively. "You can help me cook lunch. Then, we'll have to find a washing machine for all the clothes we've bought."

"They have machines for that too?"

"Yes." Kumiko grinned. "If you can name it, there's probably something for it."

Ichiro found himself astounded again. There seemed to be no end to this era's advancements, and he found it hard to believe that this was still only the beginning.

"Which reminds me. I really need to show you the television as well."


"It's a special box that broadcasts moving images. I'll bring it out after your lessons tonight. How does that sound?"

"Good," Ichiro replied in his determination to avoid shying away from the inevitable. "I can't wait."

Kumiko blinked and reached for the edge of the kitchen bench. "Are you sure? We can do it another time if-"

"No, there's no use delaying things. I'm ready."

"All right." Kumiko lowered her arms with a shrug. "Whatever suits you." She made her way to the fridge and opened it to scan the contents. "I'm in the mood for ramen today, so it's a good thing that we have pork. I think I'll improvise the rest."

She produced a transparent package of the most neatly sliced pork Ichiro had ever seen, along with a bunch of scallions. "Let's begin. I'll do the cutting and seasoning, while you watch the stove and let me know if anything goes wrong."

Ichiro swallowed and nodded while hoping he would have better luck this time. "Understood. I'll try my best."

"Great." Kumiko beamed and retrieved her cutting board from the nearby drying rack. "Could you get a pan and fill it with some oil?"

Ichiro drew a deep breath before doing as instructed to the best of his ability. He likened the act of tipping the bottle of oil to handling a steaming pot of tea and was able to keep his hand steady long enough to expel what he thought was enough.

So far, so good. He placed the bottle of oil aside and glanced at Kumiko as she sliced a few scallion stalks. She directed the knife with a speed and precision that rivaled any skilled cook of old, causing him to feel inadequate again.

Ichiro wondered what it would take to finally be apace with her and handle the challenges of this world without assistance. He was tired of always having to rely on Kumiko for protection, so he hoped the day would come when he could also hold his own in a fight, whether his opponent was human or something more powerful.

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