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Chapter 1

Waking up to my stomach growling softly, I stand up stretching my body to hear the satisfying clicks. I open the curtains, and saïley growled, I laughed quietly as to not disturb her any more and walked off to fill my stomach with fruit.

I skip through the long grass and plants and go to my favorite fruit, the Yovo fruit. As I'm plucking a few, screeches ring from the sky. I look up and see Ikrans, flying towards the island.

"Shit", I breathed out and quickly followed climbing up the drooping tree to get a better view.

My heart drops when I see the dark blue navi. My ears go flat against my head as I stare. They hop off their ikrans and a crowd gathers obscuring my view of them.

They probably know i'm here, I thought. My head in a dizzy from panic.

And just as i was about to run back to saïley, the older brother (im assuming) looked at the forest and then his eyes travelled over me.

My eyes went wide and I ducked my head down behind the branch my heart racing.

Shit I'm probaly dead now. Then my thoughts tracked to saïley my motherly like Thanotor. They're gonna kill both of us. I cant leave her behind.

Sighing and looking back up to see he was chatting with his brother walking away to one of the huts.

I gulped down my panic. Maybe he didnt even see me. I was going to be perfectly fine.

I carried out the rest of the day like normel saïley joining me around a few hours after the new family arrived.

I told her about it and she dissmissed it with her eyes and we continued gathering food for dinner.

Soon it was nightfall and I said a quick prayer to eywa  thanking her for providing our meal. Once that was done we chowed down on delicious direhorse meat and some juicy fruit.

When we were full we both went to the long grass and layed there looking at the stars in awe.

It never failed to amaze me. The stars are like orbs flying around the sky, lighting up the forest.

Sailey went to go get some sleep and I am planning to stay out here for the rest of the night.

I smiled resting my eyes. Even if my eyes were shut i could still see the glowing orbs floating around in my mind.

A branch snapped and my body cranes up instantly looking around for danger.

And against my silent prayer there stood the navi boy that saw me from the beach, he was quite tall but I could probably take him.

I quickly pulled my bow from my back and hissed at him, aiming my bow and pulling back the arrow. 

He put his hands up slowly. "I'm Neteyam, whats your name?" He said.

I was scared to death even if I didnt show it. I hissed at him again. And he stepped forward I stood my ground as he came closer.

I tightened my arrow to the string. "Take one more step and I will swear to eywa and shot this arrow between your eyes." I said firmly. "I dont want to hurt you." He said.

I scoffed "I'd like to see you try, you lanky todler." I excalimed, laughing when he straightened his posture a bit.

As I was laughing my gaurd settled down a bit and someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed in fright and strugled in someones grip I turned my head to see Toruk Makto.

My eyes widened even more and I screamed for help. "SAÏLEY" I screamed as loud as I could and kneeed Toruk Makto in the privates and scrambled away from them.

I could hear Saïleys quick footsteps slapping against the mud.

And just as Neteyam was about to make a grab for me Saïley jumped over me on top of Neteyam.

She growled at him her drool dripping on his face. I didn't actually want to hurt them so when most of Toruk Maktos family ran out of the bushes I called Saïley off, hoping she  scared them enough to back off.

What looked like the younger brother held a hand out for Neteyam and pulled him up.

The mother looked real mad and the two daughters just looked scared.

Saïley stood in front of me, like a gaurd dog and stared at them like she was daring them to take another step.

I stood just behind her head so I could peek through. The youngest child stood behind Neytiri, the mother, who I reconized from way back.

She had tried to kill me multiple times even though I was in fact 13 years old.

The youngest had short braids and looked around 8.

The other daughter looked around a year younger than me and had black fluffy hair with a few braids poking out underneath.

Neteyam had long braids and piercing eyes like his mother, he looked around my age maybe a little bit older.

The other boy had the same hairstyle exepet two long braids were slightly covering his face.

I stopped observing them thinking I should say something to ease the silence "Why are you here" I said strongly masking my self that would want to curl up in a ball and cry.

"We just want to know why you living alone here." Neytiri said, eyeing up Saïley.

"I don't see how thats any of your business, and I'm suprissed you dont remember me Neytiri. You only tried to kill me two years ago" I said coldy glaring at her.

She surveyed me thinking over her words. Suddenly she glared back at me.

"See I knew you would remember" I growled at her.

She hissed at me "and I should of killed you" she hissed stepping closer.

But Saïley stepped in front of me. I jumped up on Saïleys back and connected our bond. "I was 13" I continued "do you have a thing for killing children Neytiri?" She gave me a cold glare.

"Only when they help sky people to kill and torture my people." She snarled back.

I frowned "I didnt know they were gonna do that." I said angrily bowing my head and I bolted off on Saïley back to my mauri.

ashamed and pissed off that I couldnt stop the sky people from doing the gruesome things that I wish I could unsee. So they wouldn't plague my nightmares years after it happened.

1121 words

I got this book idea because i was watching avatar 1 and saw how Neytiri bonded with a Thanotor and I started writing books in my head.

Bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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