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Lolita awaited on a bench in front of her school for her mom to come and pick her up. She sucked on her cherry flavored lollipop. A black Range Rover parked in front of the school, Lolita stood as she saw Mr.Styles after he rolled his window down.

She ran to the drivers side, taking her lollipop out of her mouth; glazing at him.

"Where's my mom Mr.Styles?" He took his sunglasses off, making eye contact with Lolita's dazzling green eyes.

"She's taking a night shift at the hospital I told her I'd stop by for you, if you want to give her a call I can lend-"

"I believe you." She sprinted to the passengers side, tossed her ochre Kanken besides her.

"Buckle up, do you want some ice cream Lola?" She bent her knees, biting on the last piece of her lollipop.

"Lola be polite sweetie." Lolita put her feet off the leather seat, and nodded at Mr.Styles.

"Mr.Styles can I have sprinkles on my ice cream?" Lolita gripped onto Harry's shirt collar, pouting her lip. Harry wanted to please her in any way he could.

"Anything you want babyg- Lola." He cleared his throat, feeling embarrassed as he felt his cheeks burn.

Harry drove Lolita home, he noticed the lights were turned off, assuming no one was home. He walked her to the front of her house, Lolita still licking her ice cream.

"Um-here you have ice cream on your chin." Harry chuckled as he ran his index finger along Lolita's pale soft skin. As he moved his finger away from Lolita, she grabbed his hand, taking his index finger in her mouth, softly sucking on the tip of his finger and she made eye contact with her tutor. Mr.Styles.

"Goodnight Mr.Styles." She took his finger out of her mouth, making her way inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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