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When Rielle finished the conversation with Nick, she slipped soundlessly into the front seat of Jaren's car. He was listening to music and texting on his phone but turned the music down as soon as she closed the door.

During the brief conversation, Nick had only wished her well. He was still much too into her to be upset with her to any degree. She countered back with an 'I'm sorry and I wish you only good things.'

Regardless, now he was gone and Rielle didn't know what to say to Jaren. Nick had shown up at the worst possible time.

"You straight?" He asked, putting his truck in drive to pull off. "Put your seatbelt on."

Rielle did what he said, unsure of what to say. "I'm okay. Just can't help feeling a little bad."

While Jaren was a guy that mostly did the right thing, he also did what what was best for him. Rielle was a people pleaser and struggled to do what she felt was best for her regardless of how unhappy she was. Jaren didn't think it was wise for her to feel bad because then she'd get into her head about she and Jaren.

He could've been biased, though. Rielle was his girlfriend and he intended for it to stay that way.

"You shouldn't."

"Why not, Jaren?" Rielle stressed, as he pulled out of her apartment complex. "Don't you at least feel a little bad?"

"For what?"

Jaren sat forward, driving aimlessly for 15 minutes as she sat quietly, resting one hand on the door and one on the top of the steering wheel. He was getting frustrated and a little bit territorial, if he was willing to be honest with himself.

He didn't know what to say to her or how to say it without sounding territorial so he shut up for a little bit to gather his thoughts. After he realized there was no careful way to say it, he just started talking.

"I don't know what type of thing y'all had going on. Did you tell the nigga you were gonna be with him or some shit like that?"

"No, but he literally tried his best for the past few months to make something happen with us and I'm already with you." Rielle shot back, crossing her arms. "I don't feel bad that I'm with you but-"

"I know you feel bad." Jaren said, glancing around before he carefully taking his right hand turn. "It fucking sucks, Rielle. He's a good dude. Great athlete. But I don't know if you told that nigga you were gonna be his girl so I can't feel bad. And I don't."

"Are we arguing already?"

"No, we not." Jaren realized the area they were driving in was familiar. "We're having a conversation."

Rielle glanced at his face, noticing the neutral expression. "Jaren, I don't feel bad about being your girlfriend and not his. I feel bad that he got his hopes up."

"I understand." Jaren said. "I'm not mad, little one. We're just having a conversation. That's what relationships are about."

"Alright." Rielle unintentionally pouted. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize." Jaren said, pulling into Ja's neighborhood. "I ain't mad. Just don't want you in you head about me and you. Shit, we only been dating for like 20 minutes."

Rielle laughed. "I understand."

"This nigga better be home." Jaren mumbled, pulling up to the large house in uptown Memphis.

They got up to the front door and Ja opened it before they even had the opportunity to knock on it. Kaari was right next to him, finger half in her mouth.

"Hi, Kaari." Rielle cooed, holding her arms out to Rielle. "Do you remember me?"

Ja tried not to grimace at how Rielle kneeled in her Yeezy foam runners and dapped Jaren up. "Kaari, that's Ri."

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