Uniliving bbg

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"bbg have smth to tell you.""what and make It fast.""I LOVE YOU!!!!!"*bbg drops dead*"Shit, I unalived my bbg"*the next day*"Justin why you so emo" his friend said."Because I UNALIVED MY BBG OK IM DEPRESSED LEAVE ME ALONE. Im ke the therapist friend for everyone and I have depression, anxiety, ocd, bowel disorder, diarrhea, my life sucks i'm so sad and depressed and I want to die. lso I killed my bbg im so heartbroken""eh, ok, its fine, life is life." said his 'friend' and he walked away*Justin crys while singing fight song*I HAVE NO FRIENDS!!!!!! WHY I HAVE NO FRIENDS1!1 >:(((he yelled"uh, bc u killed ur bbg?""YEAH SHIT I UNALIVED MY BBG!"*a few weeks later*POLICE: WE ARE HERE TO INVESTIAGE THE MURDER OFF BBG_69everyone in the school: yea Justin killed himPOLICE: Trys to find JustinJustin: MY NAME'S AVI I DIDNT KILL MY BBG LEAVE ME ALONEPOLICE: eh ok ig midJUSTIN: runs away and meets y/n and then starts a love story with her in our other book

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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