🌺 ;; + piss lizard

47 0 5

the title has nothing to fo with this vhapter

(it does.)

"What's the point of telling me if you aren't gonna tell him, Amami? I could easily tell everyone in the school about this, even Kiyo himself!" Oma giggled teasingly as the other shifted uncomfortably. "And you wonder why I don't tell you my business, asshat. And even if you told everyone, I can tell people what you and Shuichi have been telling each other, yeah?" Amami took a sip of his water, almost choking from his own laughter when he heard Kokichi spit his drink out. "I'm gonna,,, uhm go... Bye-Bye!" Oma skipped inside, giggling like a child, and left Rantaro sitting alone on the stairs to the school.

'He's not gonna really tell Kiyo, right? Maybe I'm just being paranoid..' Amami lied down and looked at the sky, humming to himself, his eyes fluttered closed, almost relaxed until the school door swung open.

"A-Amami..? What on Earth are you doing out here? It's almost time for our final period!" Rantaro's eyes shot open, he felt his stomach churn as he looked up and saw Korekiyo.

"... Hey... Kiyo... " Rantaro smiled, Korekiyo offered a hand but Rantaro pushed himself up and walked in himself.

"O-Oh.. Sorry.. " Korekiyo shuffled in after him, closing the heavy doors to the best of his abilities.

︴✰ smeggsy timeskip,,,  ︴

"And make sure you all get lots of sleep too, because your tests will be coming soon!" Ms. Chisa waved good bye to her class, starting to tidy up her classroom. Korekiyo took in a deep breath, walking towards the dormitory. He opened the door to his new dorm and breathed in the air. Korekiyo smiled, flipping his long hair over his shoulders and beginning to take his heels off. Korekiyo shuffled over to turn on the fan since it was getting hot, "Ah, I wonder who's my roomate.." Korekiyo smiled more as he ran his fingers through his hair. Then, the door swung open, the smell of light Cologne coming in the room. Korekiyo looked up and saw Rantaro, who looked back at him.

"Fuck." Rantaro muttered under his breath.

i also fuck if ykwim 😈😈😈☝☝☝☝☝

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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