Fates Change, and Lives Too

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Fading into the dark set lit into view for the prologue section, Neptune stands and makes a cute gesture of putting two fingers next to her face forming a V. "Hi there! It's me, you're main protagonist-" Neptune stopped and blinked in surprise, looking left and right as she suddenly reached for the kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk—

(Hey... HEY! Neptune, stop holding the key!)

Neptune immediately lets go of the writer's keyboard. "Well if you're gonna type my prologue, then get a quiet one, not a mechanical keyboard. I'm still gonna say something to the dear readers!"

(You're really enjoying this, aren't you?)

"Well of course! You're steering the wheel for me! Oh, and by the way, give me a cape!"


Neptune lowered her head and made sure her face was shadowed in her depressed look. "I said... cape."

(You're not a superhero. You're a goddess. :D :D If you're gonna be like B-Sha from the Gold Third, you're gonna need extra charisma and be more prone to not fight monsters.)

Neptune was exaggerating her saddened look while still energized. "Oooooh... You're so cruel."

(Yes. Cruelty is a bitch, but this isn't DC Comics.)

"I'm not saying you make me Superman, you shit." Neptune then sighed before getting depressed. "Let's just move on with the chapter..."

(Um... Uh... I'm sorry. Look... I don't want you to demand so much of me. You're getting fair screen time. It's just that this story is really big and I can't squeeze everything in one chapter properly... though... I might be able to if there are readers who are willing to give reviews. So please... For any legit followers, please give reviews or leave comments!)

Neptune smiled and grinned. "I guess that's fair enough. Maybe one day I'd get that cape!"

(Neptune... Not again with your Superman wishes. You already ruined the idea in my head, so maybe I'll do that the next time.)

Neptune replied while energetically sad. "Alright, let's just get on with it already!!! Jeez, you're demanding."


The briefing had commenced in Histoire's Cyber Hub in the Planeptower that night.

Histoire was in front of the CPU's composed of Neptune, Noire, and Vert. The CPU Candidates present were Nepgear and the twins Rom and Ram from Lowee, while Uni had to get to Lastation after a surge of work was needed to be done. She however, the latter mentioned from the CPU Candidates, will still be connected to the briefing through a phone call while she works.

Meanwhile besides Histoire as the Oracle of Planeptune, Kei, Mina, and Chika being the oracles of Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox respectively are also present in the briefing.

Histoire made sure everyone else in the room including IF and Compa were given copies on their phones for the descriptions of the Ultra Dimension as well as the current situation involving the mystery faction, which she'll be explaining. "Everyone, I hope all of you are able to keep up, because I will not be repeating everything. I've given information to you onto your phones, so it's best to not lose them if you're forgetful.

"The Ultra Dimension. It's another dimension in which the timeline, which is similar to ours, is set 30 years ago. The Histoire of that dimension and myself made sure to stop the time compression between our two. What we've gathered when it comes to activity is concerning. The same faction that attacked us years ago in Lowee, is now operating fully in Ultra Dimension for 2 years while we are still utilizing research to the multi-dimension theory and its travel methods." Histoire explained this just before IF raised her hand. "Yes?"

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