Chapter 1

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"You shouldn't be here, go back into your room" my mummy demands as I crept out of my cot to see why mummy and daddy are screaming

"B-but" I stutter as my daddy comes into view

"Go back to bed" he slurs as I stare wide eyed as he grabs my mum and I sit watching in terror as I hold something I just picked up in my hand which was chucked on the ground

"Go, Maria, NOW" she yells not looking at me, and I stare wide eyed at my drunk daddy as he shoves her roughly onto the ground before my memory goes blank not remembering what happened next

That's the last thing my mum said to me, that's the last time I saw my mum.

The cops story apparently is that she was raped and buried in the middle of nowhere by some random messed up guy, not the messed up guy that I was stuck with.

And now I'm the punching bag, for this sociopath of a drunk, some nights I'm lucky, some nights he takes it out on the sluts he fucks, but other nights if I slip up he gets the opportunity to punch and beat the shit out of me until I'm a sack of potatoes.

I didn't mind being hurt as long as it was me not ANYONE else, I learnt my lesson when I was 16.

Yes there was once a boy, one I loved, someone I could go to and get away from the horrors of the house I call home.

He left...well more my dad made him leave...he wanted to help, fought so hard to be let in and that day I did I let him into my house, I explained what happened nearly every night with my dad and he kissed me until my lips were numb.

But the thing is, with someone you love you sometimes forget about their well-being and when my dad got home, all hell broke loose.

My dad I've never seen him so angry he started punching until my love couldn't see, and I screamed until my vision was blurry and my throat was raw, he had to go to hospital, he wanted to help but I made him lie to the cops to everyone because I knew my dad wouldn't hesitate to kill him, like he did with my mum.

I didn't dare tell him about my mum, but I made him and his family leave, so I guess I was the one who made him leave but it was for his own good.

If he was next door to me every day I wouldn't be able to not go over there and hide under the doona with him but I knew I had to, I knew I had to stay behind closed doors because letting anyone in meant collateral damage and I'm too broken to be fixed, he tried and failed all it did was smash more of my already broken pieces.

I can't even speak to anyone with out choking up because of the fear I have towards my fathers wrath.

This all changed when a big white van pulled up into the house next door to me the one he use to live in

A beautiful young guy my age with blonde golden hair and blue eyes and a smirk that could kill, even the little bit of scruff around his face would set any girl off. 

Then there was the girl under his arm she had dark black hair and dark brown eyes with beautiful flawless pale skin making me envy her.

Before leaving the girl as he kissed her on the side of her head before she waved goodbye in a sort of sad way.

If only this was the end of the beautiful boy and his charming smirk.

But all I could think about is one word, Marcus

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