Chapter 1- Coming home

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Samantha Katherine Routledge, it's been almost ten years since she has been in the Outerbanks but at last she was returning home. It was a fight to get her but she was here. Her dad sent her to live with her aunt down in Texas when she was six because she "needed" a female role model in her life to hopefully turn her into a lady who wasn't reckless but that failed drastically.  She was one of the few female bull riders out there, she got into fights, she hunted, fished, cussed, snuck out, smoked,  drank...hell she was so far from a lady she might of well have stayed with her dad and brother.

So there she was sitting on the bus into town, a large fluffy white German shepherd laying at her feet. Ghost was usally well behaved but that didn't seem to be the case today as he kept making small growls and barks which was annoying everyone around her, tipping her black cowboy hat down to cover her eyes she was hoping she could avoid any negative reactions but that failed her as she was politely asked to get off the bus and by that they told her to get her ass and that flea bag off the bus before the authorities were called. The girl grabbed her bags and walked down the bus stairs, her dog following after her with his tail swishing happily. "Stop waggin' your tail, it's your fault we are walkin'." She tsked, her voice had a honey smooth southern accent.

We're the Pouges, and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time

John B was standing on the roof of a house, right at the edge, a Pabst blue ribbon beer  in his hand. He had one foot hanging over the edge as he looked down. He was doing well balancing. "That's what, a three-story fall to the deck? I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." Pope said, he was on the deck holding a power drill as he looked up at his friend. John B turned his eyes downward to look at him. John B gave a small hum before licking his finger and holding it up to feel the wind. "Should I do it?" He asked. JJ sitting on the scaffolding, glancing between the two with his own beer in hand.
"Yeah, jump. I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope said holding up the drill, aiming it at him and pulling the trigger making it whirl to life. "You'll shoot me?" John B repeated, pointing a finger gun at Pope. "Yep." Pope replies right as John B goes "phew." Firing his finger gun. The three boys attention going towards a girl walking out of the work in progress house. "They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kie said in disbelief, shaking her head. "Of course they are. Why wouldn't they?" JJ said as he looked down at her. "This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles I guess." Kie was obviously annoyed by this whole thing. "I can't  have cold towels." JJ said in a plain yet joking manner.

Kie looked up towards the roof. "Can you please note kill yourself?" She said, her eyes squinted in the sunlight. JJ casted his eyes towards John B. "Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." The blonde haired boy said before taking a sip of his own beer. John B brought his foot back after balancing, dropping the can of beer onto the deck. "Woah, ah shit." John B said with a groan . "Of course you did, right after I told you. A plus." JJ said with Sarcasm lacing his voice. Kie shook her head turning to face the sea. "Smooth." She said in a low voice. "Dumbass." She then added as Pope went to the side of the deck, having heard car doors. "Hey!" A angry man's voice said as a flashlight clicked on. "Hey, uh, security's here. Let's wrap it up." Pope warned his friends.

John B looked that way. "Boys are early today." He said as JJ started to slide off the scaffolding. "Humpty Dumpty, let's roll." He said as John B started getting down. Kie looked at the three boys. "Let's go, boys." Her voice was soft to some it would have even seemed flirty. "Gary is that you?" JJ shouted from the edge of the house. "Come on quit it, get down." Pope, the voice of reason as always, said. "You know it's me." The security guard responded, he sounded annoyed. "Gary, good to see you man!" JJ shouted again as him and John B joined Pope and Kie on the deck. "You're asking for it." Kie said with a smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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