Chapter 2: Father Gilenger.

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I was back in that old room again, my bag was still on the same place, I had to get to it if I ever wanna leave this place and call for help. No one is likeable here, there is no reason for me not to try to escape, who wouldn't?

I tried figuring out how to get to my bag, it was so far away, not even a stick would help, there was no other way but to be out of these handcuffs.

The door opened, and it was that buff guy, I overheard his name was Bronco, weird name. He came in and had a plate of food in his hand and a cup of water. I had no appetite and that food didn't even look like food, it looked like a dog threw it up. He placed it down and was on his way out.

"I need the toilet", I lied, he stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"You will go in there", he said, pointing at a grey bucket.


"Nevermind", I said, looking down.

Bronco laughed triumphantly, he had such an evil laugh, his laugh alone will give you nightmares.

Hours went by and I haven't touched my food, how can I when all I could think of was how to escape.

The door opened and to my surprise, it wasn't Bronco, it was Jonathan himself. He bent down and looked at my untouched food. He pulled a drag from his cigarette again.

"We don't waste food here", he said, looking at me with a stern look.

"You call that food?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, I made that", he said, offended.

"More like barfed it", I whispered, rolling my eyes.

"I'm here to ask about your father, none of his contact information seems to be working and I can't get through to him, I need your help with this or you won't go home", he threatened.

"I cut all ties with my dad, that's why you're not getting through to him. I'm useless at this point. I spent all my money on college so please let me go", I begged, trying to get free of the handcuffs, it was useless.

"David Gilenger is his name, I hate liars Miss Gilenger, and for that, you'll be punished", he uncuffed me and dragged me down a long, dark hallway. As we walked, I saw a back exist down there. I found a way out, but how will I get out of these handcuffs?

He cuffed me to a pipe that was attached to a wall. Bronco came out from behind and had a whip in his hand, my eyes grew in fear as he ripped off the back of my red dress.

"Sir Roosevelt, please!" I begged.

A loud whipping sound echoes down the wall way as pain struck on my back, hard, black leather. It was painful, my arms were in the air as I watched Jonathan stare as Bronco whipped me.
He looked down and then back up again, as if he got satisfaction from it, just watching me in pain, he was a sadist, a lunatic.

"That's enough", ordered Jonathan.

He put out his hand and Bronco handed him the whip.

"Please, no more", I begged, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I will never lay a hand on you, but I won't hesitate to tell my men to", he whispered, touching my scars as I winched in pain.

"You're a monster", I whispered back. Shivering under his looming figure.

"Never lie to me again", he warned, his eyes growing dark.

He uncuffed me and took me back to where we first met, I was seated across from him as I waited for him to speak, tears still in my eyes. How could I not cry? This man was cruel, evil, sadistic.

After he forced me to give my father's contact information, he was on a call. Telling him to give him 5 million dollars if he wanted me back.

"Casey! Casey hang in there okay! We're coming for you!" He yelled through the phone. 

"Daddy! Please! I'm sorry daddy!" I yelled back, I couldn't control my tears anymore.

"We're coming for you sw-!" Jonathan hung up on him, I did nothing but cry and sob in the chair.

Jonathan laughed as he got up and approached me slowly.

"You know, there are other ways you could earn your freedom", he informed, I looked up at him with hope in my eyes. Perhaps he had a change of heart? No, that can't be.

Then, he placed his hand on my leg and it travelled in between my thigh, giving me chills. Again, I didn't know if it was good or bad.

I looked up at him, my eyes sparkling with tears.

"You're mad", I said, wiping my face.

"One week, who knows, maybe you'll even like it", he said, smirking as he squeezed my thigh. I was conflicted, I knew I hated him, but I didn't hate this. Have I gone mad too?

"One week?" I asked, considering the position.

His brown, long hair fell over his chocolaty brown eyes. He smiled, his pearly whites showing. I didn't realize how handsome he actually looked, well how could I when I was too busy being whipped and kidnapped.

"You of all people should know your daddy wouldn't be of much help, well he would but who knows how long that'll take", he said, moving his hand upper and upper.

"I- I'll do it", I said, my heart skipped a beat when I said that.

This is crazy, but I have a plan. I'm sure we'll go to another room and I'll be free at one point or another, right? So when that time comes I'll grab my bag and make a run for it at the exit.

Yes, this could work, all I have to do is play by his rules and run for my life when the time comes. I can do this, I can do this.

"You'll see me again tonight,you better behave yourself", he warned, holding my face in his hand.

"Yes", I replied.

"Yes who?" He asked, his grip becoming firmer.

"Sir Roosevelt", I replied, looking in his eyes.

"Good girl", he smiled, he walked out and closed the door.

What did I just get myself into?

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