Chapter 2

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The door slammed shut behind me as I felt the ground touch my knees. I struggled to keep my vision clear when a lone tear kissed my cheek. My throat started to hurt gravely, I tried to suppress the now fattening sob with my hand clamped between my teeth tightly.
This wasn't supposed to betide. I wasn't supposed to be here crying my heart out in my bedroom  on my very 17th birthday, I wasn't supposed to be heartbroken on my birthday, I wasn't supposed to be a mess, I wasn't supposed to break with every wavering second. I was supposed to be happy, to be celebrating with my friends, with my family, with the guy I was about to confess….
I was supposed to tell him that it was me who wrote the letters, it was me who made those lips twirl up, it was me who sent him his favourite songs, it was me who baked him those cookies. It was me all the time long…..
I wasn't supposed to encounter my very own best friend to say all these things to him, to kiss him, to be with him, to…. Betray me!!!
I could never imagine, even in my worst nightmare about what she did to me. I could never think of her being a back-stabber. I could never think of her stabbing me.
How could she do this to me??? How could she betray me????? How could she back-stab me???? How-gucking- could she??????
Clutching my knees tightly I layed on the floor near my door sobbing silently.

Tears stung my eyes as  I re-collected the last memory of me in this room. My room…..

It still was the same as it was 7 years ago, nothing changed.

My room still had those white walls, with one having coloured geometric pattern drawings. It still had the same furniture, the same decor, my bed was still the same, those pictures of me, Cade, Ash, Talia and him are still hanging over my study table. Talia, Ash and mine pics caging their space on my study table in a frame. Everything was still there in its place just like the heartbreak.

I ignored the raising pang of pain in my heart and prodded towards my bed. Reaching it I let my body fall over it and let the memory subside as the tears slid down my face falling on my pillow from the side of my head.
Today had been a day of events I dreaded. I came back to Canada. I almost ran into him. I found out how selfish I was to leave my family behind for years just because of one small betrayal. It has been the worst feeling I have received lately….. I felt like a petty person. I was so drowned in my drapetomania that I forgot about those whom I was about to leave. I felt like a coward now….

Huffing out a sigh I closed my eyes and wiped the tears out of my face. They weren't needed there to be wasted over a past which didn't matter to my present.

After idly laying there for a good half hour I let the sleep take over me.


Morning came down faster than I had expected it to. A yawn escaped my mouth as I prodded downstairs, rubbing my now dry eyes and scratching my oily scalp. I knew my eyes were puffy and I looked like a wreck but did I care….. no!

I stepped down the last stair when I heard my living room filled with voices, and not just voices, they were excited and happy voices. Confused, I beelined to the living room.

“What's going on here?” I asked peeking through the door of living where I saw four figures sitting on the couch. Four??

My family had only four members and I was the fourth one and no one told me we were expecting guests.
I rubbed my eyes and again looked at couches but there still were four figures. The fourth figure was now facing me directly, the moment I saw who the person was my eyes went wide and a squeal left my lips.

“Ash!!!!” She had a huge smile covering her lips.

“Olly!!!!” Ash jumped in my arms and I held her like my life. She indeed was my life, my best friend since we were in playschool.

“Ohh my god!!! Olly!!! I missed you!! I missed you!!! I missed you so much!!!!!” She cheered loudly, hugging me like a bear.

“I missed you too.” I giggled at her. “But I thought I already told you I'm home, and would meet you soon.” I raised an eyebrow pulling out of the bear hug she gave me, hands resting on her shoulder.

“I couldn't wait.” She smiled sheepishly, making me grin with her. Her ginger hair reaching her waist, green eyes sparking with happiness. She still stood 5'5”. I smiled at her familiar style.

“Still the same… huh!” I teased, with a small smirk on my lips.

“Still the same.” She grinned widely, nodding like a child.

Ashley had been my best friend since preschool. She’s my sister from another mother. We both liked each other to the hell and she's the only reason for me being here, back in Port Colborne. She's the one who wanted me here to attend her wedding as her maid of honour. Yeah, she's getting married….. When???….. I don't know.
“Ohh I forgot I'm here to take you.” She announced cheerfully and my mind rushed out of my lala land. “Take me??” My eyebrows furrowed at her words.

“Yup… take you. Today's our official engagement party and I want my bestfriend to get me ready for it.” My eyes widened at her confession. The frown was now long forgotten. The only thing I remembered now was the idea of immediately killing my friend which popped up in my brain the moment those words left her mouth. She got to be fucking kidding me now. It's her engagement party today and I haven't even been aware.

Disappointment hit me hard across the face and lulled me to embarrassment.

Of Course I wasn't really embarrassed, it was her who didn't tell me her engagement party was today.

“!!!!” I growled and her expressions changed. Fear passed her stature and she gulped audibly.

“L-look Olly if I would have told you then you surely have ditched it. So, I just kept this much information about it from you.” She made a sign with her forefinger and thumb to say 'very little' with them putting them a small distance from each other.

“A little information!!! You fucking kept your engagement date from me!!” I couldn't believe she did this, she fucking kept her engagement date from me even when I had my ass down here exactly the day she asked me. really!!!….. as if you'd have come here before the marriage if you knew the dates. A voice in my head snorted. I internally glared at the voice and growled outside.

“I'm sorry…” Ash pouted with her puppy eyes. I sighed my frustration out and looked in her direction. I couldn't resist her puppy eyes and I'm the one who is more at fault.

“Fine…” She jumped in my arms again, squeezing the life out of my body.

“A-Ash you're cutting my oxygen off.” I patted her back.

“Ohh…. Sorry…. Hehehe…” she sheepishly scratched the back of her head, pulling out of the tight hug she just gave me. I smiled at her blunt behaviour. I almost forgot about the fact that I was crying a few hours for some stupid heart break, which I suffered 7 years back, and that I was supposed to be angry at her for her tricks. She stood in front of me looking at me like a vulture looks at its prey. She pulled me out of my lala land, pushing me towards the door.

“Now go get ready, we are leaving in 15 minutes.” She announced as she pushed me towards the door of the room.

“W-what?” I stuttered. “15 minutes??”

“Yup… now you better go and get ready or else I'd take in your PJ's with me.” She muttered bluntly.

“No… you won't.” I gave her a stern look.

“I don't mind them… you know it….” She shrugged and I sighed. She actually could do that….

“Fine….” With that I went to my room.

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