The Feast

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Rain pulled back from Phayu's embrace a little to study his face. "Does it bother you?" Rain asked.

"Does what bother me, little one?"

"To have a lover chosen for you by destiny? Wouldn't you rather have one who you chose yourself? What if you don't even like me? Will you come to resent me?" Rain still can't wrap his head around the fact their love affair had been predicted before either of them were born.

"I never saw it that way," Phayu tells him. "I won't love you because some prophecy tells me I must,  it's the other way around the prophecy exists because I will love you. Besides is it really so different from other couples?"

Rain looks at him confused and Phayu continues, "My parents marriage was arranged by my grandparents, they didn't meet before the wedding, they still love each other deeply. Saifah and Spring grew up together, knew each other from the time they were babies but it took 22 years for friendship to develop into something more. Pai stumbled across Sky and the human that owned (he spat the word) him by accident. He killed the human and rescued Sky. Each one had a different story just like ours. So does it bother you?"

Rain shook his head, "No I think I already like you a little, maybe more than like."

Phayu hugged Rain to him again, "me too."

They stood like that for a little while then Rain asked, "Now what?"

Phayu pulled back from him again so he could see his face, "What do you mean?"

"I'm supposed to take a handsome elf as my lover," that part Rain admitted he liked, "and unite two courts. How does all that take place. Shouldn't I be doing something?"

"Patience little one. As far as the first part why don't we get to know each other and just see where it goes. As far as the second, no one really knows but we will start by presenting you to the midnight court as my intended. There will also be classes, your knowledge of history is seriously lacking. You will find yourself suddenly very busy, but I will help where I can."

"Will the court like me, the morning court mostly ignored me?"

"Just promise me you will be yourself, not the quiet, expressionless doll that your grandmother tried to make you into, but your real self. If you do that they will love you. You already have the love of the king and queen after all."

"When will I be presented?" Rain was already feeling a little nervous.

"There will be an official state feast next week." Phayu told him.

"Next week?!? So soon! What if I'm not ready by then?" Okay not just a little nervous.

"You will be," Phayu said confidently. "Tomorrow the tailors come and start you fittings. Mom's personal maid Nui is a genius when it comes to fashion, she will be in charge of both our "looks" as she puts it. I promise you will be much too busy to get nervous."

If Rain thought Phayu was exaggerating he was soon proven wrong. They barely had time to eat a bite of breakfast the next morning before Nui and the tailors descended on them. After that the days seem to pass in a whirlwind of trying garments, shoes, body paints, different hairstyles, and jewelry. Rain and Phayu often had to model several different looks for Nui and her staff while they tutted and took notes.

Rain never knew that just trying on different clothes could be so exhausting. He could barely keep his head up to eat dinner before falling into bed. Only to get up the next day and everything to start again.

Finally they were given a break the day before the feast, "So that you will look fresh and pretty." Nui explained. "I will both of you back here at 1 sharp tomorrow afternoon."

One? That was 7 hours before the feast. It was going to take 7 hours to get ready?

"So what do you want to do with your free day?" Phayu asked him.

"Sleep." Rain admitted.

Phayu laughed at this "Come, it's a beautiful day, I will take you somewhere you can relax and we'll even pack lunch to take with us."

"As long as I don't have to change outfits," Rain pouted, making Phayu laugh again.

The garden that Phayu took him to was a wonder. The bright flowers, butterflies, in vibrant colors Rain had never seen before. The sun filtered in giving the spot an other worldly look. There was a patch of green grass next to a small stream with the tiniest of waterfalls.

Rain held his breath, he had never seen a place so beautiful not even in the morning court with it's renowned gardens. He had been raised to believe everything in the midnight court was dark and gloomy but he had yet to see any place that could be described that way.

"Nap first or eat first?" Phayu asked him. Rain was tempted to say nap but his tummy chose that moment to put in a protest, causing them both to laugh. "Eat it is," Phayu said, still smiling.

After they ate their fill of sandwiches, Phayu leaned back against a tree and closed his eyes just enjoying the nice day. He opened them in surprise when he heard a soft snore, Rain had literally fallen asleep sitting up. Phayu laughed and caught the cute boy before he could tip over. He gently repositioned Rain so that he was laying on his back with this head pillowed on Phayu's thigh. Phayu gently stroked Rain's hair and just watched him sleep.

Rain was happy when it was time for the feast. It had been another exhausting day, although at least he'd been able to nap while the maids applied the light coats of glittery body paint Nui had decided on. Now he was finally dressed and waiting for Phayu to come get him. When Phayu arrived Nui stood them together and smiled at them.

"Perfect." She declared and led them over to a full length mirror so they could see the effect. Rain gasped. Each looked stunning in their own way but together the effect was breathtaking. Everything had been chosen to both contrast and complement. Phayu's white tunic, silver jewelry, black hair pulled back to highlight the angles of his face. Then there was Rain's midnight blue tunic, the glittering body paint that would be barely noticeable but would sparkle in the candle light, and his blond hair fixed to frame his soft features. It was obvious they were dressed as a couple.

From the way everyone turned and stared when they walked in Nui's plan was successful. Phayu led him to a seat on the left of the queen then sat next to him. The gesture wasn't lost on the room, by sitting Rain next to the queen instead of taking that position himself he was declaring Rain to be someone as, if not more important than himself.

The first couple was brought for introductions, Lord Som and his sister Lady Ple. Rain kept in mind Phayu telling him to be himself so when Ple commented on his stunning look, Rain launched into a funny story of trying to lay still while the maids applied the body paint, "Those brushes really tickled and they stuck them absolutely everywhere," he said which had Ple, who had body paint applied regularly for parties, nodding and giggling along with Rain.

By the end of the night there were very few people in the room that wasn't completely charmed by Rain. He'd even managed to win over an envoy of visiting dawn elves, that wouldn't have given him a passing thought if he'd been sitting quietly by his grandmother and cousin at the morning court. They would begin to spread the word of how charming Rain had been among the dawn elves when they returned home, much to everyone's surprise. They had never been allowed to see that side of Rain.

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