Chapter two: Reunited

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During the flight home, Yugo realized that he had no way of explaining his brother's presence to their people. It's not like the Eliatropes didn't know about Adamai. They did have their civilization's history and legends. It's just that the newer generations had never seen him before. And considering Yugo's and Adamai's strained relationship, Yugo had never felt the desire to talk about him. So for Adamai to pay a random visit without notice was sure to cause a commotion.

Yugo could already feel a headache coming on.

He wasn't even entirely sure as to why Adamai was here in the first place. He had shown no previous interest in what Yugo was up to during all the years they were apart, though, Yugo at times felt Adamai prodding through their mental link every once in a while. Maybe something in Yugo's head had caught his brother's attention?

"Are we there yet?" Yugo already knew the answer, though, as he saw the city light's reflecting off the snow below.

"We're getting there," Adamai grunted with force as he began his ascent upwards. He had a massive wingspan and made quite an intimidating figure against the night sky.

Getting a closer look at him, Yugo felt an ache in his heart. Even if their relationship wasn't on the best terms, he had missed him. He missed the fact that in this life, they couldn't have been the brothers that he wanted them to be. Despite his long years, and having been able to experience most of the world in its entirety, being brothers with Adamai had not been a well-known experience.

When they parted ways, many of their friends were still alive so Yugo had not realized the lack of Adamai's presence. By the time he had come to realize it, he felt that it was too late to reach out to him. As a result, he had banished any thought of his brother from his mind and accepted the solitude he would bear.

Even after the death of Amalia, Yugo had not gone to him. Yugo was sure Adamai felt her Wakfu leave the World of Twelve, and that he had most definitely felt the anguish that Yugo felt. And still, he did not come. The thought that his brother didn't even show up to comfort him made him angry. He had forgotten how much his brother didn't care about the Brotherhood of the Tofu. The feeling of happiness upon seeing his brother dwindled.

"Where are you staying?" Adamai asked as they were coming up on the kingdom. 

The Eliatrope kingdom was a floating society. The buildings had been built on Sadida ground before magic and chains were installed into it, and it was lifted up several feet above the Sadida Tree. It had no roads but rather air currents for Eliatropes to travel. Many of its buildings were long and thin, like icicles, and strung together with massive chains. Each chain in the link was about the size of a cart. These chains ensured that each structure wouldn't float away from one another. 

The total of these towers was twelve, each building representing the siblings that ruled the people. As such, each tower was named after the dragon siblings. The towers were positioned in a way that the king's tower, Yugo's, was the largest and in the center of the other eleven. The eleven were connected to the main tower with chains. Each long piece of architecture contained marketplaces, houses, and universities inside. Each tower had a spiraling staircase on its outside with windows and balconies to accompany it. On the very tops of these towers were gardens and parks for the residents to play and gather. There were also other small land masses that floated freely in an orbit around these structures. The material this kingdom was made of allowed those who resided inside to see the outside world while preventing the world from looking inside. 

The reason the Sadida kingdom allowed the Eliatropes to live above their land in this manner was due to their long-built friendship. The Eliatropes relied heavily on the Sadidas for food and natural resources while the Sadidas benefited from their technology. It wasn't uncommon to see inter-class marriages between the two populations due to this relationship. Though, the Eliatrope who married a Sadida had to live on the ground since the Sadida couldn't comfortably or safely travel between towers in the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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