Part 1 of cringe

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// okay so I made this in 6th grade, be warned that I was dumb and I didn't realize shattered and Nightmare were brothers. Also this was supposed a backstory for my OC LMAOOO. I did this whole thing on a school Chromebook so Yeah Have fun cringing and Laughing //

Schooltale (so fucking original)

From the viewpoint of Luna moon:

It is Today, today is that day where the Star Sanses and the Bad Sanses from the Top schools in the AU, come to pick students for their schools. From knowing myself, I probably won't get picked for any "Top school". I'm just that average student who tries to stay out of trouble(- which never happens) everyone blames EVERYTHING on me since I'm the "weird human hybrid". I'm the ONLY hybrid in the school, which you may consider a unique gift, it's not though. It's horrible being the different one.
No ones pov:
First period has just ended, Luna is already Exhausted. She is just waiting for something good to happen. Luna was walking to her next class, and ran into Ink. Luna's stuff fell all over the tiled floor.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't m-mean t-" she paused and realized she bumped into Ink, leader of the Star Sanses, principle of one of the top schools in the AU.
All the kids in the hallway stopped, and looked over at Luna, and started laughing. Tears fill Luna's eyes, her ears droopy.

" Are you ok?" Ink said while putting his hand out, Luna takes his hand and stands up. " k-kind of...." Luna looked down at her feet and saw her sketches of The Star Sanses, and The Bad Sanses, Her face is flushed red.

Ink bends down and picks up one of her sketches. He looks at the sketch to realise it was him
"I-I k-know its r-really Stupid I should o-of-" "stop it right there, this is really good! Did you ever take any art classes?"
There was an aura of positivity coming off of ink
"W-well no ,I-I taught m-myself-" a bell ringed in the background " Crap, um I got to go, before I'm late!" Luna picks up the rest of her stuff and runs to her next class.

Blueberry walks up behind ink " and what was that about?" "Some kid bumped into me" "oh wow, Look's like you found a new buddy~" " shut it" "No you shut it" dream step's in between them "girls girls stop your fighting you're both pretty" Dream teleports them to their next classroom.

Luna's moons pov:
Well here goes another boring class, who the heck likes Math? I already got sent to detention after class for falling asleep, Great right? There are also kids in front of me, whispering to each other, probably about me since that's all people do. Talk gossip about me, I wish I was invisible now.
No ones Pov:
Luna has been sent to detention early for falling asleep Again. She grabbed her sketchbook and pencils and walked to the detention classroom. She walked in, sat down at one of the desks. Someone quietly walked behind Luna and threw a bucket of water over her head. Laughter soon filled the silent room.
Tears filled her eyes again.

"Awwww is the baby gonna cry?" one of the girls said in a Tone like she was speaking to a baby. Luna's ears drop, she growls slightly. "Is the puppy growling? You dont scare me" she boops Luna's nose. Luna growls again, she grabs the girl by her hair and slam's her head on the desk. In the front of the room someone was watching her, Nightmare.

" You really should learn to shut your mouth" all the laughter in the room stopped.

Luna slam's the girl's head on the desk again, to where the girls head is dripping blood on the desk.
" s-stop p-p-please, im s-sorry" "there is no mercy, should've learned that the first time!" Luna slammed the girls head again, the girls eyes rolled to the back of her head, her body going limp.
Luna let's her go, all the kids in the classroom run out.

Blood cover's Luna's face, she looks down at the girl "Crap, where do i put the Body-" "I could help with that '' Luna looks infront of her, and sees a black skeleton smiling back at her.

"Oh wow, I didn't know the king of darkness was watching~" " d-don't call me t-that" Nightmare was slightly blushing " d-awwwww did I make the skeleton blush?" Luna smirked. "Pfffft, I cant-- what did I just see?" a skeleton with a gray hood stood there laughing. Nightmare grabbed the hooded skeleton with his tentacles " Shut it Dust, before I kill you too"

"Ima just-" Luna quickly grabbed her stuff and tried to walk out but ran into a skeleton with an axe. " And where do you think you're going?~" "REALLY, like Dude I need to get out of here" "how bout no '' 'OK then- '' she spins around and sits back down at her desk.

"Anyways, I have a quick question for you, Luna '' Nightmare then walks over to her desk, sets down a paper that looks like an application form. " A application form? Why would you want me?" Luna looks up at Nightmare with a confused look in her eyes.

He puts a finger under her chin and lifts it up and stares directly into her eyes. "Well my dear, you're different I've seen the way you killed that girl" "b-but I-" "Hush you'll be great my dear, I don't really like to push it on people But we really need new students". " And what if i say no?" Nightmare takes his hand away from Luna's chin, and grabs her by the collar of her shirt "If you say no I won't hesitate to kill you". Luna's ears drop, a feared expression is on her face.
" pffft she's scared of you now ,boss" the one that is wearing a dog collar said. Nightmare let's go of Luna " shut it mutt" "Nah" Red crossed his arms and looked up at nightmare, red gave him the " do I look like I Fucking care" look. Tentacles slither around red's neck, tighting quickly " When I Tell you to shut up... I FUCKING MEAN IT MUTT".

Luna slam's her hands on the desk " JUST SHUT UP ALREADY I CAN'T FREAKING TAKE IT!". Ink comes running into the room " WHAT IS HAPPENING IN HERE?!" Nightmare drops red " well, well, well~ look who it is? Glad that youve come to join us ink~" " shut the fuck up I don't want to hear it-" another skeleton walks in. " Who the Fuck are you?" Nightmare is confused " Your Worst FUCKING Nightmare, Bitch" Shattered slam's Nightmare into the wall " o-ow what t-the f-fuck was that for?" "this" Shattered kisses Nightmare. " WOAH WOAH WOAH, HOW THE FRICK CAN SKELETONS KISS???" Luna had that "mind blown" face. Red was laughing so hard he fell to the ground.
" you guys are complete idiots" Shattered crossed his arms and shoved red onto nightmare. "WHAT THE HELL SHATTERED" Red shoves nightmare onto luna,they fall to the floor. Luna bites Nightmares wrist, " YOU LITTLE-" Nightmare slaps Luna. Ink and Shattered walk out, Luna shove's nightmare off of her, she stands up and tries to lunge at nightmare but red grabs luna by her collar and yanks her back. She growls " LET ME GO" "sorry Kiddo not happening". She tries to lunge forward again, but red yanks her back again and wraps an arm around her neck. " LUNA CALM DOWN" Red yell's at Luna " NO- f-fine" Nightmare stands back up and gives her the death glare " I-I'm sorry I-I promise n-not to d-do it again" "Red let her go " "ok boss" red lets luna go, and takes a step back. Nightmare grabs luna by her ears " If you FUCKING bite me again, I will FUCKING kill you". Luna whines, and tries to get nightmare to stop. " s-stop i-it p-please..." she starts crying , "shut up pet¨ she continues crying, but teleports on top of Nightmare ¨ OW WHAT THE FUCK¨ " ShUt Up PeT~¨ she mimics him ¨ pffft¨"red starts laughing ¨ can you not?". "CaN YoU NoT?" Luna mimics Nightmare again, Red is wheezing himself to the floor. Luna stands up, walks back over to her desk, grabs her sketchbook and walks out. Luna sigh's and walks to her house, The Alley
wanted poster's hung on the wall's of alley all saying the same name: Luna Moon.
she wanted to go back to her mom's but she knew what would happen if she went back her mom would abuse her again, thats what made her run away from her so called " safe Home". Tears fall down to the ground, but she turned around quickly to see a group a skeletons, a very familiar one in the front ¨Nightmare WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!¨ she growled at him ¨ Well well well~ Isnt the bitch the luna?" "Shut up nightmare". " Says the one that lives in an alley~" "j-just shut u-up" she sniffles, trying not cry " I like the negativity coming off of you~" he snickers at her, she growls back, baring her teeth at him. "I ain't scared of a mutt like you" nightmare scoffs.

// 💀 I was emo , I want to throw up reading this. Also I never finished it so thank god //

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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