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Now starting, Chapter one.

{Reader chose 'west coast by Jenlee Rainze ' }

•||| What a shame I'm not there|||•


Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale .

Panting he woke up from the nightmare. Everyday nightmare.

It felt so real. She was there again touching him.

He stepped out his wet bed. Pulling the covers and sheet he sets them for laundry. His face swollen from all the crying, even though it was just a dream, it happened. It scares him. She scared him.

I lost my mind. I don't mind.

The radio played in the background as he brushed his teeth, once he was done he looked at the mirror.

Frozen he looked at the girl in the reflection. Beside him, she stands in her white glowing gown. Black raven eyes that barely shows any white pigment, her long back hair parted and set on her shoulder.

' I'm leaving you for the moment.'

Whispered a velvety voice beside him.

He jumped. And ran. Hiding under his bed, he pinched his eyes shut, hands covering his ears. Rocking back and forth he whispered a little prayer.

Soon he was asleep on the cold floor all sweaty. It was just another day for the his house to witness. The loneliness has been taking a toll.


" Raiden! Raiden!"

He woke up to a blurry silhouette of a girl. He rubbed his eyes aggressively, but someone held his wrist. He stopped.  He sighed in relief at the sight of Veronica.

" Sorry." He mumbled quietly crawling out from beneath the bed.

She frowned and clenched her jaw.

" This like a everyday routine, Raiden! Why can't you leave the past behind. She was bluffing around. It has been 8 years and you haven't seen her face! She is not coming after you! "

He scrunched his nose at the shrill voice. The words wandered in space not even one word hit his skin. Too adsorbed in his own head. He just nodded mumbling to himself.

" 8 years....she was 10.... crazy..ah" he grabbed the sides of his throbbing head.  " I'm sorry, Veronica." He said as she sighed.

" You need to get out of this house. What was the last time you met somebody besides me?!" Veronica rolled her eyes at her own words.

" We're going out today." She said. His eyes widened, he continuously shook his head. She sternly grabbed his arm and said ' yes you are coming'.

After hours of complaining, yelling and whining, he agreed.

" Where?" He muttered.

She smiled and almost jumped in joy.
" There is this famous band performing on streets tonight. My friend was going with me but she bailed on me so we get the front row, two seats. " She blabbed excited.

"What typa band?" He frowned looking at her.

" Oh well, people call them a group of junkies with guitar and drums but the singer is such an icon. The music is like straight from heaven. They are performing their new music today. On streets, like 10 minutes walk from here. I wonder why would they choose village area but anyways."

" They are called Ultraviolet." She said after looking at his confused face.
He just nodded.

" I need a shower and will get ready in 30. Wait downstairs." She nodded making her way but she stopped in the middle and turned around to face him.

'woops' she pecked his lips smiling though not a muscle moved on his face. He stood there like a statue staring at her. She walked away.

After a long shower and clean shaving he threw on a washed oversized grey tee and faded blue jeans, his long hair was tied in a little pony at the back. Small strings of hair fell on his face like bangs. And for the touch up he wore his signature black  leather jacket and combat boots.

As he hurried downstairs he saw Veronica's back facing him. She was working on the kitchen counter.
His eyebrows bounced as he made his way towards her.

Akhhh. She was startled by his sudden presence. She served him a plate of white cream pasta and a little serving for herself.

He practically inhaled the food. She giggled and soon finished her and going for the dishes. He asked if he could help and she declined.

The clock struck 2 pm. They have to leave. He is going out. No more safe place to hide.

He calmed his breathings and furiously beating heart.

Let's go.



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Sarawat as Raiden.

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