Chapter 1

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All throughout Chan's life his parents weren't very supportive. He wanted to do things with his life that always seem to contradict what his parents wanted for him. All throughout his life he felt so unwanted and distant especially from his group of friends. He excelled in school and was actually one of the top students for having been in a group of boys that might have been mistaken for the bad boy group of the school. He spends his days as a senior walking the school looking for things to do since he doesn't have that many classes.

He gets up dragging himself out of bed, he gets a shower and putting some clothes on for school. Grabbing his laptop and keys. He makes his way into the kitchen and grabs and apple. He makes his way to his car. He drives to school.

He parks in the parking lot and gets out going inside with his stuff. He goes inside and goes to his first class. The first few lessons were boring the same old 69 (nice) year old teacher blabbing on about who knows what for an hour. It was lunch hour and the sounds of giggling and laughter can be heard in the halls as people make their way to the cafeteria. 'what on earth could they be talking about' Chan inquired in his mind before grabbing his lunch and sitting at his friend's table.

Jisung pipes up "Chan buddy did you hear there's a new student?"

"No I didn't, who is it" Chan starts stuffing his face with his food.

"From what I hear the girls whispering it's a new guy" Minho says.

"I heard he's hot" Jisung says making Minho's eyes roll before he gives a shoulder bump to Jisung.

"Hmm" Chan hums and finishes his food. He throws his food away before coming to sit back down. He opens his laptop and starts working on homework for next week. The bells soon rings making him retreat to his next class.

This is by far the worst class he has at this place. English, mostly his hatred was because he knew English while the others struggled since he was the only person born speaking English. He takes his seat in the back and everyone sits down.

The teachers speaks "alright everyone today we have a new student, he just moved here so please be kind" just then a kinda short brown haired boy with freckles walks in and stands at the front of the class. His skin warm and tan glistening beautifully in the light from the windows.

The boy bows and speaks in broken Korean "Hello my name is Lee Felix, I just moved from Australia, please treat me well" the teacher points to the seat next to Chan ushering him to sit there. The boy makes his way over and takes a seat next to Chan as the class starts.

Chan minds his own business until he feels a light tap on his shoulder from the freckled boy he had just observed.

"Hi, I'm Felix, you are?" Felix speaks messing up a bit of his Korean.

"I'm Chris but you can call me Chan" he speaks in English to the poor boy who seemed to be struggling.

Felix sighs and lets out a breath of relief and then questions. "Wait you know English?."

He gains a soft nod from the Chan. "I'm from Australia too"

"Mateeee" Felix laughs softly and bumps Chan's shoulder, making the older chuckle as well. Chan and Felix focus on the lesson and take notes.

'You know they were right this boy is kinda cute' Chan thought to himself.


Felix's parents were the polar opposite of Chan's and were very supportive of him growing up. They were hippies that supported the movement of peace and love. They were looking for some adventures so they decided to move from their home town in Australia to South Korea for a change. Felix wasn't to heart broken since he usually moved a love traveling to all different places with his parents.

It wasn't a surprise when he told his parents he was gay. They kind of already knew by the way he acted. When he came out they made him a cake in celebration. They made sure he felt the most love he could ever feel.

Felix's fresh start here would be a new experience for him but he was excited. He always wanted more though even though he didn't know what more. Today was Felix's first day in school, he only came half way through the day and made it to English class.

'fucking shit I messed that up' he thinks to himself as he practically babbles out broken Korean. He tenses up when he see's some girls giggling at his mistake. The teacher tells him where to sit so he sits next to a very handsome boy. He writes some notes before attempting to get the attention on the boy next to him. He introduces himself and is stunned when the boy speaks to him in English.

"I'm Chris but you can call me Chan" the boy says

Felix sighs and lets out a breath of relief and then questions. "Wait you know English?."

Felix gains a soft nod from the Chan. "I'm from Australia too"

"Mateeee" Felix laughs softly and bumps Chan's shoulder, making the older chuckle as well. Chan and Felix focus on the lesson and take notes.

'His biceps are thick, fuck don't drool Felix, stop embarrassing yourself' He talks to himself in his head while taking down notes.

Chan and Felix grab their stuff when the bell rings and make their way out of the classroom. They meet in the hallway just outside of the lecture hall and chat as they walk to their next class.

A light blush dusts Felix's cheeks adorned with the blush he had put on as makeup. Chan had truly never seen a boy look this beautiful before 'gorgeous.'

{Chapter 1 complete ✓}

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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