Chapter 1

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3rd Person Pov

ATLAS maximum Security.... The newest edition to the world's dangers known as the Criminals and such on the earth. Not much is known about the prison except for the fact that the Leaders of the World chose to build a prison securing every criminal in it.

Thinking about that now you'd realize thats one hell of a stupid idea, because logically speaking; why the hell would you put every criminal known to earth in one place and not expect some sort of riot, fights, escapes and so on and so forth... Well.... There's only one reason for that actually and it's because of a system they implemented you see, since the world leaders created this prison the only thing they're truly responsible for would be the funding of such a facility and given the fact that the Warden in charge is allowed to run the prison however they see fit. And the biggest rule they implemented was....

The Gulag/battle Royale system, a arena based competition where you're allowed to challenge anyone you see fit to a battle that can increase your ranking in the place or Your freedom. Not a bad system, well it is if history taught me anything, but it works at the end of the day; Ahhhh but where are my manners... My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and welcome to My Life in ATLAS because dear god do I hate it here, and to make matters worse.... I am currently fighting for MY own survival.

1st person Pov

'Now with Introductions in order it seems I'll teach you more about the facility and rules once I get out of my very own situation that I've dug myself into'

(Y/N):'Gotta quickly dodge the swing and counter with a roundhouse.' I think as I immediately get clocked in the face and not executing my beautiful round house.

Y/N:'okay... I keep forgetting that I'm not too physically able to counter just yet, god I really wish I took those martial arts lesson they were giving out earlier last week, would've really come in handy knowing I'll be in this situation.' I monologue again as I kick the dude in the nuts and throw a right hook to his face. Gotta make sure the job is done  so I pick up the nearest object can find with it only being.... A rubber duck..... How the fuck can I kill a person with a fucking bath toy, 'You could always shove down his throat or deep inside his ass a bring it into his mouth for extra poison damage' 'not the time brain but that ain't such a bad idea'

I immediately go through with "Operation: chocolate duck" plan, "now you maybe wondering 'how can you shove a duck up someone's ass?' well the answer to that is even I don't know myself but I do know it's quite possible, it's a big world after all so I sure we've all been creative enough to think of weirder scenerios"
and well lo and behold the man is choking on a shit covered duck and oooohh God does it stink right now, think I'll just move a couple steps back as I watch him choke to I knowing this method of death I can add this to my execution list, title can be: Death by the Chocolate duck. Not bad, not better than the "Rock of truth" pleasant memories, one of my first executions ever.

Y/N:" Well since that's over guess I can leave, but why the hell was challenged to a fight, thought I kept a good impression that I'm not one to be messed with you know, hmmmm maybe next time. Guess I can finally go say hi to Felicia, it's been a while since I've seen her."
And yes Felicia is a women, this place is a Co-ed type of prison where men and women are in one place and to answer your second question I'll say yes that the inmates do end up fucking each other here, been a crazy amount of orgies happening here if you pay attention enough, really fun except for the fact that some of these people think it's okay to shove shit up your urethra, yeah, your Pee hole, seen it happen to some guy while I was passing by I  nearly collapsed right then and there but back on topic here. Felicia is a inmate in here that I was able to befriend, weird I know since I'm in this place and all but you'd be surprised how friendly most inmates can be as long as you don't get on their bad side, well our meeting kinda went how you'd usually suspect strangers to befriend eachother, now Que flashback.

Flashback to 3 years ago

Young Y/N:" So... You come here often?" I say to a younger Felicia. She proceeds to pull a knife on me and hold it against my throat, I start shaking but not in fear no no in excitement rather, gotta like my women fiesty you know.

Young Felicia still holding the knife:" That's gotta be the most idiotic sentence you had to say you know." she takes the knife away and continues cutting her bacon and eggs breakfast.

Young Y/N:" Well yeah of course gotta start with the old classics." I chuckle, 'Nearly thought I ws gonna die right there.'

Back to the present

'Yeah best way to make friends, you can't tell me when you made friends that you didn't try to atleast slightly threaten them with anything.'

3rd Person Pov

Y/N Proceeds to begin his journey to find one of his few friends he made in the Facility and right now he's exiting the arena where his match had happened and as you might notice there's a Scoreboard showcasing the point system of the Prison.

Now the way this point system works the same way sports systems work for example: I'll take the sport known as rugby, now of course starts with 0-0 on both sides and and depending on how you Aquire your points depends on how you got the goal so the way this place works is for every kill you get you get allocated a total of 100 points but the manner you kill them will earn you even more points, so if you were to torture your opponent you'd get more than 250 points earning a total of 350 if you did it in this manner, so in other words the more gruesome or creative the kill the more points you'll be able to aquire, and with our lovely protagonist here he has a whopping.. *drumroll*.. 29569 points so you could say he's been quite creative with every kill earned but with only this much he's only within the top 100000 in the facility so yes you atleast hold a placement within the ranking system of the place, not a notorious one, but a ranking nonetheless.

Now back to the man of the minute, he's now seen walking down the corridor near his cell block; all sorts of noises are happening around him some are just the music of mp3 players while others are indulging themselves in pure pleasure and the rest are just inmates sleeping, most not having a care in the world since it's not a time to stress.

Y/N:" Now that I actually think about it, I really should get my injuries checked before she hounds me on why I let a weakling harm me."

And so I man of the minute makes a detour to the medical wing to get his wounds treated.


1st person Pov

Y/N:" That lady really is gonna be the death of me, even though she's supposed to rid me of my injuries i feel like she's gonna make them worse."
Walking out of the medical wing, I finally make me way out to Felicia, I wonder how's she's been, she did say she wanted to have a spar a couple days ago but i was too busy stuffing my face with food to have hardly heard exactly what she is life what you go do about it...

Y/N:"*Whistling 'My Way'* 27....78....98....209....369.....ahh here it is number 419, well...time to kick the door down."
And just as I said I proceeded to kick the door down with maximum effort.

Y/N:" Here's JOHNNY!"
'What the actual fuck did we just walk I on...?' ' I wish I knew bro....I wish I knew...' And just like that, the scene I witnessed today will haunt me for the rest of my life no amount of therapy or drugs will rid me of this scene.

Kingsley: And That's a wrap on Live or die, FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE.
Whatdya think of it? good, bad, could use some work cause I well open to hearing the thoughts that everyone has on this; I really wanna see how far this'll go since it's my first story and all.

Later folks, Catch you next time

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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