Boogie bombs

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Something absolutely slay happened.... Patrick the Strippah marched inside of Krusty Krabzzz with his tight fishnets and black stripper heels. 😩

- Step aside Ninja wannabe, if you're planning on executing our queen you'll have to get through me first 😏. Patrick the Strippah threatened.

- Number one victory royale yeah fortnite we bout to get down, Da boyzzz🥶 started singing.

- I can't take it anymore! Purrl burst through the kitchen door with a bag full of sexy products.

- My daddai already came one of Da boyzzz🥶 and we can't save him (💔), but to get rid of the skull trooper we'll need to use products! She continued.

- You're correct, we've already tried everything including Rain on me and Squidward Nose, Mr. Krabzzz is permanently apart of Da Boyzzz. 😖President Bootycheeks cried.

- But we have to do this, for us and the flops. 🏳️‍🌈

Patrick the Strippah took Spongebussys cvm speaker and started blasting queen Cupcakke on full volume. Da boyzzz then tried to strike an attack with multiple boogie bombs, causing all the flops to dance fortnite dances.

The flops were hopeless. They couldn't stop dancing until....

The battle of Bikini BottomussyWhere stories live. Discover now