【..Hitch Hiker..】

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He stood on the side of the road, the darkness consuming him and making it hard for anyone passing by to see him. His heart seemed to dance and shake inside, fluttering one moment and then slamming against his ribcage the next. He was engulfed with grief, his soon-to-be lover no longer on the surface of this Earth. Thumb stuck up, ring deep down in his pocket, he felt tears dripping from his eyes. Surely enough, this grief would kill him...

Soon, headlights came into view, temporarily blinding him. A car had stopped just short from him, causing him to put down his hand and slowly approach. The driver motioned him inside with a soft expression. Hesitantly getting in the car, the driver spoke up,

"Anywhere specific you heading to?" 

"No..just out of here. Somewhere but here," The somber man replied.

"Alrighty, I got you. Is there something wrong? You seem so down.." 

"I'm fine, just need to forget." 

"I understand." 

The car lurched forward, soon lulling the man to a sleepy haze. 

"I was like you once," The driver spoke up again. "Lonely and wondering what to do with my career." 

The man gently hummed in return.

"Yep. Then I chose to pick up people. Like an Uber, except free and random. People don't expect it."

"That's odd.." The man wearily mumbled.

"In a way, I guess so! The people loved it so much, they never return!"  The driver glanced in the rearview mirror, eyes squinting as they smiled. The man didn't question this, as he was too tired to say, think, or do anything. 
Instead, he allowed the drive to take him into a world of slumber. 

Abruptly, he seemed to wake up due to a bright light. Though, it wasn't the sun's.

It was headlights. They were fading away, and he was stuck laying on the cold, damp ground. What just happened? Where's the driver going?

In a daze, the man sat up, glancing around. He felt light and airy, like a plastic shopping bag. Turning around, he almost screamed.

Someone translucent stared back, tilting her head.

His beloved.

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