Run Along Little One

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Chapter Nineteen

The melody of strings being plucked in a soothing pattern filled the room Harlow had been resting in. She awoke suddenly, her eyes flew open as the shock of the memory of her body being in great pain shook her to her core.

She sat up in the thin wine red silk sheets draped over her figure, desperately looking around for some sort of answer as to why she was all alone in some strange place. Harlow's chest heaved as she struggled to catch her breath from the initial panic as she woke up.

The bedroom she was in was dim, having no windows. The only light supplied to her was through the form of long skinny candles starting to drip from the heat of the flame. Pooling onto the small crystal dishes that held them placed around the room, four on the round curved edges of the dresser facing her, three behind her head on top of the headboard, and the rest of them somehow levitating upside down from the high ceiling.

The flames lapped at her as she stumbled out of the embrace of the sheets, creating a gust of air as she crashed down to the lacquered chocolate wood planks.


The left side of her face stung horribly as she managed to push the front half of her body away from the floor, her arms trembling. They threatened to give out from under her weight.

"Oh god, what is going on with me? Why can't I stand up!?"

Her heart kicked up in an instant from the thoughts racing through her head. The surrounding room started to sway a little as she stared at the floor, praying for the strength to return to her.

With everything she had, she forced her legs to push up from the ground, becoming stable for a moment until she decided to take a small step forward. Her knees and elbows buckled in an instant, sending her straight down again with a harsh thump that echoed throughout the structural bones of the bedroom.

Someone pushed the door to her room open slowly, revealing a timid Aeshimian child using the side of the door to shield her face. Her scales were a shade of misty blue Harlow had never seen before on an Aeshimian. They met eyes for a moment, light pink staring back into bright yellow.

"Are you alright, miss?" The little dragon, no older than two or three, asked her. What a silly question it sounded like coming from such a young child such as this one.

Harlow felt almost embarrassed that this little hatchling had walked in on her like this. She should be the one taking concern at the fact that the child seemed to be all alone.

She managed to nod as she propped her chest up with her elbows, trying as hard as she could to create the illusion that she was okay to keep the little hatchling from worrying about her.

"Oh! Why yes, I am just fine, I just tripped on a little something!" Harlow replied cheerfully, the pain in her body from stumbling over and over again starting to grow stronger as it swelled.

"What's your name, little one?"

"Ka'kraea! K-A-K-R-A-E-A!" she exclaimed with glee, feeling quite accomplished having remembered the spelling of her own name.

Harlow's mouth gaped, "Woah! Your name is very pretty Ka'kraea, I wish mine was as nice sounding as yours!" She told her warmly, beckoning her to come inside the room. Ka'kraea bounded over to her position on the floor. "What is your name, miss?" She asked excitedly, "Oh! my name is Harlow,"

"I like it!"

"Really? I'm not so sure I like it myself, but thank you for saying so!"


The little hatchling started to make her way around the room, looking at anything and everything that caught her eye. Coming across a glowing candle sat upon the edge of the dresser, she stood up on her hind legs, trying her absolute best to pick it up off the top.

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