No Time to Waste

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AAAAAHHHHH! I suddenly woke up from a dream. My head hurts.

That same dream again! What day is it?

I quickly reached my hand to my phone. It was still Saturday.

Oh, good. Im still fine.

I tought i heard the weird voice again but i guess a dream is a dream.

I slowly stood up from my comfy bed as i streached my body. It felt like i slept for days. Even tough i only slept no more than a mere moment.

I fixed my bed sheets as i walked towards the bathroom. I slapped some water to my face as i looked at the mirror.

I looked the same as always, brown hair, emerald green eyes, a slight feminine face that couldnt be identified as either gender and average height.

I dried my face as i went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

I opened the fridge and took out some beef bacon along with cheese, mayonnaise and toast bread. I packed them into a neat sandwitch and prepared to go out again. I was nearly out of food so i had to get some more before i run out.

I put on my shoes and coat, picked the sandwitch and left the house. I started walking towards the market a few hundret meters away while slowly enjoying my sandwitch.

After a few minutes of walking, i arrived at the store.

It was kinda hard to pick what i wanted to eat so i just picked some cheese and tomatoes. I also got some radish for salad.

I loaded all of them in a plastic bag by the counter and looked at the casiers empty eyes as i sighed.

I left the market and slowly headed home. Walking between many cars and passing by the random strangers in the street.

It was a day like every day. It wasnt so bad, but it was ever so lonely.

I passed by the park while walking home, the same kids were standing around the playground. With the same adults sitting on the same banks.

It really was a beautiful day outside, birds were not singing, flowers were not blooming, but on days like these, people like me had nothing to do but enjoy spectating.

After enjoying the sight of strangers i didnt even know the name of, i continiued walking home.

As i arrived home, i saw the cat that our neighbour owned, it was still the same, i crouched and petted the furry cat and entered the house.

Placing the ingrediants in the fridge, i went to the balcony and check the outside before openning the TV. Like always, no channel was working.

I sighed, closed the TV and picked up the last novel i was reading from the bookshelf.

I generaly read fantasy novels as i tought those were the most interesting.

But recently, i started to read drama as well. The interaction between humans is interesting to me, considering i have none of it.

I read until the book was complete, it didnt take that long and i quite enjoyed it as well.

Maybe i should get the next volume?

I looked at the clock, it was 9.30, i didnt have much else to do so i head out again now to my regular book store.

It isnt that cold outside but i still put my coat on, i dont know why but i like wearing it.

After passing by the cat again, i started walking past the cars on the road towards the large store.

It was a brown building, the lady working there always seemed cheerful.

After pushing the door enter entering the store, i started browsing the store like i always have.

Many books of differing genres were stacked neatly on shelves.

I walked forward until i reached the drama section.

Most books had colorful covers with short and interesting titles.

Maybe i should pick a few more while i am here.

I ran my hand across several books and finaly found the next volume of the novel i was reading.

It had a pastel violet cover and the large number 2 printed on it.

I picked the book out of the shelf and started looking at other books.

After picking 3 more novels of differing genres, i left the store after looking at the store owner while passing by her.

I exited the store and started walking towards the nearby park.

I didnt feel like reading at home so a park bench would perfect.

I passed by several cars and people on the streets as i arrived at the large central park.

I found a nice comfy bench to sit down and opened my freshly aquired novel.

After passing the cover drawing and the prologue, i enjoyed myself as i read until i was hungry again.

I stood up and placed a pencil between the book as i walked towards the market next to the park.

After getting something to drink and baked cookied for a snack, i exited the market and went back to my bench.

It was quiet as always, there was no wind, no animals sounds and i could see several kids in the distance.

I took a bite out of my cookie as i continiued to read the novel.

It was a peacful day, like always.

I looked at the stationary clouds in the sky.

A large bird was standing on top of a pole.

After finishing my snacks, i lied on the green grass and continiued to read my novel.

As i arrived at the novels conculusion, i closed the book and stood up. I stayed for longer than usual.

I packed my books and bag as i headed home.

After passing by the cat and entering, i opened the door and put my everyday coat where it belongs.

Though i didnt do much today, i was still exausted.

I looked at the clock, it was 9.30, i put my new books on the bookshelf as i prepared my bed.

I brushed my teeth, washed my hands and face and headed to sleep.

I closed my eyes and started to sleep.

It was always the same dream, a dream i couldnt seem to get rid of.

AAAAAHHHHH! I suddenly woke up from my dream.

That same dream again! What day is it?

I quickly reached my hand to my phone. It was still Saturday.

Oh, good. Im still fine.

I streched my body and looked at my watch, it was 9.30, it was time to wake up, after all, i still had a whole Saturday morning infront of me.

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