Chapter 4

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When Sarah woke up, everyone was asleep. She was a little shaken when she realised JJ and Kie were nowhere to be seen. 

After a little while, she saw Kie, sleeping in JJ's arms. That made Sarah smile. She always thought JJ had a thing for Kie, and lately, Kie had seemed closer to JJ than ever.


Everyone was slowly waking up, all soaked from the rain. 

"Wow, I think your shelter worked per-fect-ly" Pope mocked as he tried to wipe as much water away as possible. 

All the guys had taken their shirts off and layed them on the hot sand where the sun was hitting it the most.

"So," John B started after they all gathered around the ashes of last night's fire, "We still need food, Sarah and I need to work on our shelter skills, and-" "clearly" pope cut him off. 

"Aaaand, we still need the water you never got" John B continued, death staring pope.


Kie and JJ were both going to fish at the same spot they did yesterday, except this time, JJ was actually explaining what to do. 

"Look, there" JJ whispered as he pointed at the fish

Kiara nodded in acknoledgment "What now?" She whispered back.

He came behind her, put his arms around her for what seemed like a hug, which made Kie think what the hell is he doing? But he instead grabbed the spear on top of Kie's hands, and caught the fish with her hands on it.

That made Kie's stomach fill with a weird feeling. Good weird. She liked that feeling, and it made her smile.

"Nice, a good big old fish" JJ pointed out after he let go of the spear. 

"Yeah, nice" She replied, still dazed by that nice feeling he gave her.

"Now, you can try on your own" JJ lifted his eyebrows


"hahaha, look who's heerrreeeee" John B laughed as he saw JJ and Kie coming back to the camp.

Sarah laughed, she was so glad these two were paired up together. 

"Did Pope and Cleo come back yet?" Kie asked "I'm so thirsty I would drink all the ocean water in front of us"

"Nope, but we tried to make up what we lacked last time, and we now name our new shelter... Drum roll please" Jonh B signed Sarah to say it as they all drum rolled

"Poguelandia's castle" Sarah lifted her hands up

"Nice name, is it better then what it sounds like tho? Cuz we have better then you could imagine!" Pope said, startling everyone.

"Guess what" Cleo smiled, "We found water!" 


"Who want's to surf?" JJ asked

"These waves look real tasty" Pope responded. "Besides, Cleo, I still need to teach you to"

"What, no you don't. I can live my life without surfing." Cleo responded

"If you're a pogue, you gotta surf" John B added

"Come onnnnnnnn" Sarah and Kie encouraged

"Fine, whatever" Cleo smiled

They all got ready with their hand-made mini surf board, but Kie stayed on the shore.

"Kie, you coming girl?" Cleo asked

"No, I'm okay. I'll just tan for now" Kie responded

"What? You? Kiara? Are going to tan instead of surf with us?" JJ added mocking her. But he knew something was wrong, Kiara would never turn down an opportunity to surf.

"Yup. Trying new things here" Kiara responded, trying to sound as cheerful as possible, but she knew she wasn't okay. She had caught a cold from those soaking wet clothes she was wearing, but it felt like more than a cold.

She had a very strong headache, and her eyes were very tired. 

She didn't worry about it too much though, and tried to blame it on low iron. Every-time she stood up, she felt like she was going to pass out, so instead, she decided to lay down and 'tan'.

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