Chapter 1

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Sitting in form on a Monday, waiting for your twin to arrive, is the most frustrating thing in the world. Our form tutor was telling us about what was happening during the Easter holidays. Which was 44 days away. 4 days before Jane and I's birthday.

When the bell signalled for the students to start to their first period, I collected my things in a rush and not looking up I smacked right into someone sending us both to the floor. Paper flew up into the air and floated down to the ground. My work and his work mingled together making it even harder to collect my stuff.

"Watch where you are going?" I ordered under my breath picking up only my work.

"Look up then." He snapped back. 

Once all of the paper was off the floor and we stormed off in the opposite direction, I was Jane standing by her locker smirking at me.

"What?" I asked walking off towards French.

"He was hot!" She answered before addressing the other girls. "You'll never guess what just happened to Kat?" 

"Let me guess: she got annoyed that you didn't turn up to form so she punched your form tutor?" Ronnie guessed laughing to herself.

"No! Guess properly." She looked towards Bethany.

"What did are super hot friend do thing time?" She rolled her eyes before walking next to me. "Want to explain why your twin is overly excited."

"Nah, she can explain." I giggled at Bethany's expression.

"She got knocked over."

"And you're happy because...?" Ronnie asked confused.

"Because... He was hot. I have never seen him around but he looked like a teacher or something." Jane skipped into French.

"Bonjour." I addressed Madam Bandir first before plopping down in my seat.

Throughout the register the girls continuously asked me questions about what he looked like and what his name was. And when I said I was a little busy picking up my stuff to notice is looks and ask for his name and number they giggled, causing us to be warned.

"Les filles se taire pendant que je prends le registre.

"Pardon?" Bethany asked with knitted eyebrows.

"Quiet whilst the register is being taken." Madam Bandir sighed before continuing.

"I know who you're talking about." Ronnie jumped up from her seat and ran over asking something then walking out of the classroom. 

A few minutes later she walked back in, then presented us with a picture of the stupid guy who knocked me over. He was good looking.

"That's him." Jane pointed.

"Yep." I confirmed nodding my head.

"Well... You just knocked over the new supply teacher. His name: Mr Reed. Age: 24 I think. Didn't get to ask him that."

"How do you know that?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"He was taking my form. He was walking towards Maths. His first sub lesson. Quite cute actually." She smiled showing off her teeth and everything.

"Cool. Anyway, we are having a party. In 48 days. Make sure your calendars are clear on that day." 

"What's happening then...?" Bethany asked.

"Their birthday, silly." Ronnie patted Bethany on the head before proceeding to talk about what the arrangements were.

Completely zoning out, I tried to focus on the lesson but one person kept popping make up in my head. When I finally focussed the bell rang. 

"Right, English now!" I sighed. This was my lesson.

"Pre-warning you, our teacher is seriously ill so we have the same sub for a couple of months." Bethany spoke loudly.

"You have to be kidding me, right? We better get someone good." I mumbled before proceeding into the class.

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