Chapter Four: Cover Up

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TW: Mentions of fighting
Veronica's POV:

"Tayce? Ronnie?" Tia wants to know who Tayce was texting. She's still curled up in my lap. I hold her tight. I want her to feel safe. I don't think Tayce should tell her that it was Ellie. I don't want Tia to cry.

"No one important." Tayce spoke. She looked disgusted to even talk about Ellie. I don't exactly blame her. I can't blame her. Ellie was so mean. I don't like that at all. She was such a bitch and then tried to play innocent, which is manipulative as fuck. Tayce sighs.

"I need to leave for a few minutes. I'll be back in a little bit." Tayce grumbles. She seems grumpy. I don't blame her. Tia looks up at me as Tayce leaves the room. She nuzzles up to me. I smile. She's being so cuddly today. Not that I mind.

"You're quite cuddly today, Ti Ti." I tease playfully. Tia nudges my chest with her elbow. I chuckle and she does too. I feel my heart flutter. I don't know what's going on. I don't want this moment to end. She's finally smiling again. I got her to smile again.

"Stick a sock in it, Ronnie!" Tia sasses. I pretend to be offended and she cackles. She kicks her legs happily. I laugh too. I feel like I accomplished something. By making her laugh I made her forget, even for a moment, about what was making her so upset earlier.

"How dare you- I just state a simple fact and you say that to me? I'm so offended-" I tease. She keeps laughing. Her cheeks acquire a rosy tint. I smile widely. She looks so much happier. That makes me happy too. I'm glad that she's happy now. Tia smirks.

"Don't point out my cuddliness, Ronnie, I'm just being affectionate." Tia chuckles. I smile and hold her closer to me and she leans closer. I can hear Tayce shouting downstairs. She's gonna scare Tia if I don't do something about it. I don't want Ti Ti to start crying again.

"I know, and I appreciate your cuddliness." I tell her. She smiles widely and I do too. I can hear a Scottish accent. And then an unreadable accent, then a rough Scottish accent, and then Tayce's accent. They're having a screaming match. I wish they weren't. They might scare Tia.

"What's going on downstairs?" Tia started, going to get off my lap. I pull her back in a slight panic. I don't know if her going downstairs would be good right now. I don't want anyone to snap at her or for her to hear something she shouldn't have heard.

"It's nothing, Ti Ti. Tayce is probably just on a phone call. Do you wanna watch Morning Glory with me?" I quickly change the subject. Tia nods excitedly at the mention of the show and promptly settles right back down on my lap. I flick the TV on and turn on an episode.

Tayce's POV:

"Ell Bell, what has gotten into you?!" Awhora shouts. So, I had started a FaceTime call with Ellie, and got Lawrence, Bimini and Awhora on to hear their perspective. To no one's surprise, they were all quite upset with Ellie, and I don't blame them.

"Ask Tia what's gotten into her!" Ellie redirects. She's deflecting. I wish she wasn't. I wish she would fucking accept that she was in the wrong here. She had no right to hit Tia and yell at her the way she did. It fucking made my blood boil. I groan.

"We're not talking about Tia's problem right now. We're talking about you slapping Tia and fucking shouting at her!" I spoke as I slam my hands on the table, causing the computer to shake a little bit on impact. Ellie looks enraged and I don't know why, she shouldn't be.

"Just suck it up and admit you're wrong so we can all get off this call and go back to our lives!" Bimini says as they find their palm smack dab in the middle of their face. Ellie looks even more ticked off, if such a thing was even possible.

"I am not!" Ellie whines. God, I hate when she whines. It's so annoying. I wish she could just admit she was wrong cause I'm really annoyed and I don't wanna snap and say something I may regret, even if she totally deserves any rude comment that I would make.

"Shut up, Ellie! Stop whining, it's fucking grating! And just admit you were wrong and apologize to Tia! How hard is it, for fuck's sakes!" Awhora snaps. She snapped before I could. I guess that's good. It means I don't have to snap at Ellie. I don't like snapping though.

"How dare you?! You're no better yourself, Awhora! You're the one who bullied Tia when you first met her!" Ellie's bringing up things that Awhora's already apologized for. She's friends with Tia now, the past is the past. Awhora's been nicer to Tia lately. Ellie hasn't. Ellie yelled at Tia.

"That was two years ago and I apologized for it, you absolute idiot!" Awhora screeches. I really hope Tia is asleep right now or something. Otherwise she'll hear what's going on and I don't want her to get scared or upset. I really don't want Tia to get upset again.

"Yeah! It's not even relevant anymore. So maybe you should take a leaf out of Awhora's book and maybe, oh I don't know, apologize?!" Bimini defends. Ellie's face is all red. She looks furious. I'm furious. I can feel my body heating up. If I could slap Ellie through the screen, I would.

I hear something upstairs. Shuffling. And Veronica is begging. Begging for Tia not to come downstairs. I freeze. Tia can't come down, she'll get upset and cry and I don't want that to happen, not after what happened. This is stupid.

Why won't Ellie just fucking apologize?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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