Ep 1: Not so happy Campers Pt.1

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Hi, I'm Charlotte and I am competing on TDI for fun and to find my soulmate! "Hello, Everybody!" I said jumping of the boat with my suitcases. "Wait, THIS IS WHERE WE'RE STAYING? Damn." "We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone at the end of the dock!" Chris said while pointing at the end of the dock. "Okay! One... Two... Three-... Oops! Okay, forgot the lens cap! Okay, hold that pose... One, Two- Oh! No wait, card's full. Hang on..." "Come on man, my face is startin' na freeze..." One of the girls said. "Okay. Everyone say, 'WAWANAKWA' " Chris said. Everyone shouted; "WAWANAKWA!!!" As soon as we shouted, the boards where breaking. We all fell into the water. "Okay guys, dry of and meet me at the campfire pit in 10" Chris said. As I sat down, I saw a girl beside me. She had beautiful brunette hair and luxurious Carmel eyes. I'm not gonna lie... she looked hot. Wait, what am I thinking? I don't even know if she likes girls! "Hey!" She said. "I'm courtney." "I-I'm Ch-Ch-Ch-Charlotte." I stumbled. "Nice to meet you, "Ch-Ch-Ch-Charlotte"!" She laughed. I chuckled. "This is Camp Wawanakwa. Your home, for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition, or maybe even your friends! Ya dig?" A boy with a green mohawk put his fist up to another male after Chris finished speaking. The camper who manages to stay on total drama island the longest without getting voted of will win $100,000.00! "Excuse me, What will the sleeping arrangements be? Cuz I'd like to request a bunk, under her." The same boy with the green mohawk said pointing to a girl with raven hair. "The're not co-ed are they?" She said. "Nooo..." Said Chris. "Girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other." "Excuse me, Kyle?" A Blondie with a blue headwear said. "Can I have a cabin with the lake view since I'm the prettiest?" "Ok, you are, but that's not how it works here. And, it's Chris." Chris said. I thought the girl was tripping because um... HELLO? Have you NOT seen Courtney? That was her name, right? "I have to live with Sadie. Ir I'll die. A Ponytailed, skinny girl said holding the girl's hand who apparently, was named sadie. "And I'll break out in hives. It's true!" Sadie said. "This cannot not be happening." A girl with greenish blueish and black hair said. "I know, right?" I responded to her, chuckling. "Oh, come on guys! It'll be fun!" A big blonde guy said hugging her and a brunette looking jock. "It's like a big sleepover!" "At least you dont have to sleep next to him!" The called jock said looking at the green mohawk guy. "Here's the deal..." Chris said. "We're gonna split you into two teams! If I call your name out, Go stand over there." He continued pointing at a certain place.


"Alright campers, yo and your team will be on camera in all public areas during competitions." Chris said.

"You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries any time you want." Chris said. "Let the audience at home know what your really thinking. Or, just get something off your chest."


"Hi, mom! Hi, dad!" I said waving at the camera excitedly. "AWE, EW! THIS BATHROOM SMELLS LIKE A DOG SHITED OUT VOMIT IN HERE!" "OH, SHIT! I JUST CURSED IN FRONT OF YOU GUYS!" "OH SHIT I DID IT AGAIN!" *Silence* "Please, dont destroy me when I get home..."


"Uhm... Okay..." The greenish blueish and black haired girl said, "So far, this sucks."


"I don't get it, where's the camera guy?" The blonde girl said.


"Hey everyone, check this out..." The big blonde guy said, "I have something very important to say..." *Farts* "Neh ha, hahahahahaha!" He laughed.
"Alright, any questions?" Asked Chris. "Cool. Let's find your cabins." "Gophers your in the east cabin... Bass, your in the west." "Bunk beds?" The raven haired girl said. "Isn't this a lityle... summer camp?" "That's the idea genius." The greenish blueish and black haired girl said. "Shut up weird goth girl" The raven haired girl said. "Your so smart..." A geeky looking boy said, "I feel that." "Shouldn't you be on the boy's side?" She responded before she kicked him out of the cabin. "Where are the outlets? I have to plug in my straightening iron." The blonde girl said. "There are some in the communal bathroom right across the way." Chris said. "Communal bathroom?" She replyed. "But, I'm not catholic." "Not communion, communal!" Chris responded. "It means we shower together." The greenish blueish and black haired girl said. "Idiot." "Aw! No! Come on!" The blonde girl said. "I'm glad we're in or own cabin with just guys, ya know what I mean?" The big blonde guy said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Wait, I'm sorry!" The big blonde guy said "I mean, no!" "I didnt mean it like that!" "I love chicks!" "I just dont want to sleep near them-" "EXCUSE ME?" I repeated. "Wait, no!" He responded. "I mean...!" "Excuse me, Chris?" A blonde looking party guy said. "Is there a...chaperone of any kind in this facility?" "Your all sixteen years old!" Chris said. "As old as a counselor in training at a regular summer camp!" "So, other than myself, you'll be unsupervised." "You've got a half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge. Starting... now!" "Nice!" The blonde looking party dude said. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" We all heard a scream in the girls cabin. "Ooo, man that white girl can scream!" One of the girls said. "What is it!?" The blondie said. "Kill it! Kill it!" "*Gasp* AAaAaHHH!" A boy with a D on their shirt yelled. "That was my bed." The girl with the greenish blueish hair said after the boy jumped onto the bed. There was a lot of chaos until I finally stepped on it and squished it. "We'll, that's one way to kill a cockroach." She said. "Hey, I wanted to kill it!" The boy with the green mohawk said. "Your loss." I said scoping it up into a ziplock bag with my gloves on. "Awesome!" An awkward looking boy said. "If you ever see one of those again, just lemme know, 'kay?" The jock looking boy said. "'Cause, *sniffle* you know, I could do that, too." Then there was a moment between him and the girl who screamed first. "They always go for the jocks." The green mohawk and I said at the same time before chuckling.

"LISTEN UP!" The cook yelled. "I serve it THREE TIMES A DAY, and you will eat it, THREE TIMES A DAY!" "Grab your tray, getcha food, and sit your butts down, NOW!" "Exsuse me..." A short girl said. "Will we be getting all the major food group?" "Yeah, 'cause I get hypoglycemic real bad if I dont get enough sugar." The awkward boy said. "You'll get a lot of... SHUT THE HECK UP!" The cook yelled. "Have a cow!" The big guy yelled. "WHAT WAS THAT?" The cook said. "Come closer fat boy, I didnt hear you!" "Uhm, I didnt really day anything important." The big guy responded. "I'm sure you didn't!" "You, scrawny kid, give me ye plate." "Yo wassup, girl?" One of the girls said. The girl she was talking to blank stared her. "Oh, its gonna be like that, is it?" "NEXT!!!" The cook said almost interrupting her. "Excuse me... "The blondie said. My nutritionist says I shouldn't eat any white sugar, white flour, or like, dairy." "I dont think that's gonna be a problem." The girl with the greenish blueish hair said. "Cool!" The blondie said. "Okay, I hate to be predictable and complain on the first day..." The blonde girl said, "But, I think mine just moved." The cook smashed her plate. "Right..." She said, "Okay then!" She walked -
"Welcome to the main lodge!" Chris said. "You, my man... Can we order a can we order a pizza?" The party looking guy asked. The cook threw a hatchet but missed! "WOAH! IT'S COOL, G!" The party looking guy said, "BROWN SLOP IS COOL!" "Heh, heh right, guys? Heh *sigh*. "Your first challenge begins... in ONE hour!" Said Chris. "What do you think they'll make us do?" One of the girls said. "It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?" The big guy with a D on his shirt asked.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me right now..." I said


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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