The Serpent in the Dark

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It had been approxiamately ten years since you had last seen Anakin Skywalker, along with your sister Padme Amidala who was entitled the role Queen of Naboo. You as well had a title there on Naboo who sat beside her sister as the Princess. You had both last seen Anakin when he was only a small boy, just as you were only a small girl at the age of 8 years old- Only being a year younger than Anakin. Now, you were 18 years old and would soon be following up into your adult years. Secretly, you had never wished to become the princess. You didn't have the heart to betray your own sister like that, you promised to always stand by her side no matter what. You were to follow your oath, even if you wished to join the Jedi Council like you've always dreamed of since you were a young child.

Padme had requested you to come with her to Coruscant, to vote on a project to create an army that will help the Jedi to protect the Republic. You'd agreed to come with her, meaning you'd have to fly one of the Naboo SpaceFighter ships along with Padme and Captain Typho. It was never a trouble to maintain a ship, you weren't the greatest pilot- but you weren't the worst either. It felt like forever before the three of you arrived on a platform, all of you parking the ship on the outer corners of the giant platform so the Nubian Royal Starship could be stopped in the middle. Padme's decoy was on that ship. She would fill in for her at any cause if there was danger, it was a safety cause in case anything were to happen. Watching as Padme quickly rushed out of her small ship and rushed toward Captain Typho, you followed along. You could tell he felt relieved as he revealed his face from under his mask, slightly struggling to take it off. "We made it," Captain Typho spoke aloud as he looked around at his surroundings. The decoy Senator Amidala was now walking off of the Nubian Starship along with a few other guards. "I guess I was wrong. There was no danger at all." He added, looking over to Padme then to you. Before you or Padme could even respond, the Royal Starship was blown into pieces. The three of you flying back from the awful explosion. Afterall, the Captain had spoken too soon. You were the first to be up on your feet, tugging off your helmet and letting your hair fall free onto your back. Padme was already by Corde's side, you slowly stepped over to them. Kneeling down beside Corde, you sadly watched Corde speaked her final words to your sister. Breathing her final breath, her head slanted to the side as Padme was still in shock over her lifeless body. This pained your heart, it was almost as if you could feel your sister's sadness. With Captain Typho running over to you both letting you know it still wasn't safe here, you didn't have enough time to even think of a way to comfort your sister. The both of you slowly stood up onto your feet, "We shouldn't have come back.." You spoke slowly, still processing what had just happened. "This vote is very important." Captain reminded the two of you. "Senator, you did your duty. Corde did hers. Now come, both of you." He spoke in a rush to get you both to safety, But Padme stood her ground. She did not move from her place, "Senator Amidala, please." Captain Typho said. It didn't take long before you two were escorted out of the destroyed area and brought to safety.

It was the next morning that you two were escorted to the meeting room, where Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi High Council were waiting. Following in the steps of your sister, her and Master Yoda began to discuss the attack on the landing platform. You knew you had no say in this discussion, so you stood quietly focusing on the ground, "But for certain Senator, and Y/N. In grave danger you are." Yoda informed his focus shifting from the two of you until it was turned away to Senator Palpatine as he suggested something to them. "Master Jedi, may I suggest... The Senator and Princess be placed, under the protection of your graces.'' His suggestion seemed almost disagreeable. You felt the need to speak up about it, "I do not believe this is a wise decision, especially under these stressful times." you announced, everyone's gaze immediately shifting toward you. Padme as well, spoke up. "Chancellor, if i may comment, I do not believe-" The Chancellor immediately interrupted her, already knowing what she was to say, "The situation is that serious?" He said, finishing her sentence for her. He began walking over slowly, "No, but I do, Senator.. I realize all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but perhaps someone you two are familiar with." This made you look directly at the Chancellor, your curiosity rising. "An old friend, like Master Kenobi." He finished the sentence with a grin, the look on Padme's face gave you a hint she was annoyed for not being heard. She always had problems like this. Chancellor Palpatine's act of sadness at the 'thought of losing her is unbearable' was obviously fake to you, but why wasn't it to the others? Were they seriously falling for this act? You all finished up the discussion, soon heading out of the quarters in slight frustration.

As you and Padme were staying in the luxurious apartment for your own safety, Anakin and Obi-wan were in the elevator leading to it. The nervousness of Anakin could be clearly seen by Obi-wan, who could sense it directly. Taking advantage of the comfortable silence, he said, "You seem a little on edge.". Despite Obi-wan's knowledge, Anakin replied, "Not at all.". "You fell into that nightmare, master and I rescued you, don't you remember?" Anakin snickered lightly. It made him chuckle when Anakin reminded him of it, leading him to laugh himself as well. "You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath." Obi-Wan instructed. The elevator rapidly ascended to the room. Anakin said, "I haven't seen them in ten years, Master." his nervousness escalated. The first to greet them excitedly was Jar Jar, who could never control his emotions when he saw them again after a long time. Consequently, Jar Jar Binks announced to Padme that the two had arrived, and you were just as nervous as Anakin. The last time you saw him was years ago, and you've missed him and thought about him every day since then. Despite not knowing it, he has been thinking about you a lot as well.

Padme was first to make her way over to Obi-wan and Anakin, greeting Obi-wan happily. Soon she turned to Anakin, "Ani? My goodness, you've grown." She said admiring his appearance. "So have you. Grown more beautiful, I mean- Well for a Senator, I mean." He said, slightly stumbling over his own words. Typical Anakin. His attempt at flirting made you snicker, causing everyone's attention to shift towards you. Upon seeing you again, Master Obi-Wan reached out to shake your hand and said, "It is a pleasure to see you again, Your Highness.". "Likewise, it's nice to see you again too. Feels like I haven't seen you in ages." was your response as you kindly took his hand in yours and shook it gently. You turned to face Anakin now, the two of you interrupting each other before he allowed you to speak first. "Padme is right, you have grown Ani." You said, causing him to smile slightly as he built up the courage to respond. "You have as well, you are absolutely beautiful." you could feel yourself blushing slightly, as a small smile crept up onto your face. "Thankyou Ani, you're too kind." you responded. Now everyone had already moved on and made their way over to the couches. You took a seat next to your sister, listening carefully to what each of them were saying. Leading into the discussion, you could sense Anakin begin to get frustrated with his Master as they both disagreed with each other. Anakin wanted to find out who was trying to harm the both of you, but Master Kenobi didn't want to start an investigation. You watched as Anakin backed down from the small argument and turned his gaze toward the floor. The discussion was quick, Padme was the one to end it as she stood up and dismissed herself along with you. You both walked off, but before leaving the room entirely. You turned your head to look at Anakin once more, who was already looking back at you. You quickly turned your gaze, feeling slightly embarrassed for being caught staring. The last thing you heard before exiting the room was Anakin complaining how Padme barely recognized him. This made a twinge of jealousy enter into your heart, you didn't know why you were jealous- It was a rare feeling that occurred to you.

You and Padme parted off to your two different rooms. You were astonished when you entered the room, it felt comfy to be in. Almost homelike. You made your way to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. You slightly jumped up and down on it to test the mattress, falling backward onto the bed. It felt as if you were laying on a pile of clouds, you would be able to get great sleep in this bed- But before going to bed, you'd need to change out of the dress you were wearing. It was a similar dress to Padme's just less puffy. You always matched with her in the slightest way, it was the clothing you were provided. You made your way to the big wardrobe in the room, gripping onto the handles and opening it easily. There were already a couple outfits supplied in there, it didn't take long for you to find your nightgown. Except you didn't change just yet, you had this weird feeling as if you were being watched. You looked around the room, seeing two cameras in two of the corners in the room. You scoffed, you would not change in front of these cameras. This was an invasion of privacy. You stocked over to the giant bed, pulling the pillow cases off the pillow and making your way to each of the cameras and covering them with the pillow cases. "That's better.." You mumbled to yourself, slipping out of the dress and now getting into the nightgown.

Anakin and Obi-wan noticed you had covered your cameras, Padme had already programmed R2 to let them know if there were any intruders. R2 was in the corner of the room, minding its own business. You felt completely safe to go to sleep now, so that's what you did. You jumped into bed without second thought, immediately cuddling into the sheets as your head rested on the soft pillow. You could feel sleep overcoming you, so you let it take you.

You woke up to people running in the hallways, you quickly sat up. It felt as if something was wrong, like you could sense a danger nearby. . . What could it be..?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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