Here's Where the Nightmares Start.

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Tara ran to her front door and opened it as soon as the door flung open, she was met by a slash to the stomach which spat blood all over her pink sweater. 

she groaned in pain before slamming her body against the door to close it.

Tara: " fuck, fuck, fuck" she turned the security locks back on from her phone. 

(Systems armed)

Tara: " the police will be on their way, and they will catch you, asshole" she shouts in fear.

(Systems disarmed)

Tara freaked out and quickly tapped her phone.

(Systems armed)

she then sighed in relief.

(Systems disarmed)

Tara: " oh god please Y/n where are you" she cries.


Y/N: " shake shake, shake shake, I shake that" he sings along to his favorite song before parking his Porshe GT3 RS he steps out of the car and looks over to the house *that's weird why is the security systems flashing" he ran over to the front door to come in, but the lock systems kept turning off and on

(Systems disarmed)

(Systems armed)

(Systems disarmed)

(Systems armed)

the phone rang again, and Tara picked up.

Tara: " hello? " She stuttered.

Ghostface: " bonus question Tara do you think I made it inside your house before you could rearm the system"

Tara: " please stop it"

Ghostface appeared from behind Tara and grabbed hold of her.


so as soon as the locks disarmed again, Y/n barged in the house he was now looking around at the blood covered floor and his protective instincts started kicking in.

he heard muffled screaming and ran to the kitchen where he and Tara locked eyes before she gets stabbed by Ghostface collapsing to the ground. Y/n ran and tackled Ghostface off of Tara and began punching the masked person in the face over and over and over again with more blood and skin from his knuckles coloring the white mask of the killer he even threw a couple of elbows until he felt a sharp pain in his side.

He looks down to see blood spraying out of his torso Ghostface stabs him another 5 times in the stomach and using this moment to their advantage Ghostface recovered from the beating Y/n had given them and kicked Y/n off and walked back over to Tara as the sirens started to become louder and the flashing lights of the police got closer.

Ghostface stumbled out of the house and Y/n used one arm to crawl all the way to Tara who didn't seem to be moving he hugged on to her and saw all the stab wounds there had to be like 2 or 3 stabs so not as bad as him Y/n sighed in relief but hers her eyes slowly started to close. 

Y/N: " hey, hey Tara not please stay with me...stay with me Tara come on. please, please stay with me" he began to drift out of consciousness himself. he comes back and picked Tara up and limped her outside and handed her to the ambulance before collapsing to the dirt ground now being unconscious. 

(Meanwhile with Taras sister)

a brunette woman otherwise known as Taras older sister Sam was seen sitting next to a fuel pump taking some pills with a man slowly approaching from behind.

Unrelenting (Tara carpenter x Y/n Hicks, (scream 5)Where stories live. Discover now