Chapter 4

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Warning: Lemon!
Ichigo's Room:

Ichigo tossed and turned as he slept. His restless mind unable to take a chill pill as it wrestled with the day's revelations. The heat from the summer air forced him to wear nothing but a white shirt for his nightclothes. His body became flushed and sweaty as his mind began to wander….

Ichigo walked along the forest path, uncertain of where he was going. The foliage began to obstruct his path, forcing him to make his way past by force. As he pushed his way through the thick grass and branches, he eventually came to a small pond with a waterfall running into it, splashing into the crystal-clear water below. His eyes widened as he saw a stunningly beautiful Retsu Unohana bathing beneath the waterfall.

Ichigo stood where he was, rooted by the sight before him. He watched as the waterfall cascaded onto her, showering her with sparkling water. Every drop seemed to make her gorgeous figure glow with radiance; her hair shimmering from the wet droplets. His eyes wandered to her nude slick body, taking in every inch of her form. As she turned to face him Ichigo averted his gaze, feeling unworthy to be in the presence of such beauty. The woman chuckled at his reaction and moved towards him, "Ichigo," she said reaching for his cheek. "Am I too ugly for my own husband to turn away from me?"

At her question Ichigo looked forward and grabbed the hand on his cheek, "No Retsu," he said as he brought his face closer to hers, "You're so beautiful my eyes might burn if I look too long." He didn't waste any time in connecting their lips together. As he licked her lips demanding entrance her hands went to his shihakusho. The connection between them was broken for a minute as she stripped Ichigo of his garments and pulled him into the pool with her, their lips reconnecting as they embraced each other. Ichigo ran his hands through her wet hair, admiring how much it felt like smooth silk. As they resumed kissing his tongue once again tried to enter her mouth, this time with success. The couple moaned as their organs touched, before Unohana gave way and made room for him in her mouth. Her hands touched his muscular chest and eagerly touched him, sending his skin into frenzy as if every spot she touched erupted in pleasurable fire.

Retsu broke the kiss and took him by the hand and led him to the edge of the pond. Ichigo watched as she climbed the large rock resting at the end and spread her legs, she smiled as she called to Ichigo. "Please Ichigo, make love to me. Show your wife how much you love her."

Ichigo crawled up the rock until she lay beneath him. He slowly rubbed the head of his hard shaft against her wet folds, drinking in the sounds Retsu made. He slowly pushed his way inside of her, giving her time to adjust to his large girth as he made himself comfy inside her. She nodded, giving him permission to keep going. Retsu threw her head back as she felt her husband begin to fuck her, as well as start to nibble on her neck, leaving marks that were sure to be there later as proof of their act, though she could care less if anyone had an opinion about them.

Retsu wrapped her arms around Ichigo, making sure she didn't accidentally slide off the rock in the middle of their love-making. The closeness caused her breasts to rub against Ichigo, making him hiss at the feel of her hard nipples rubbing against his heated skin. The sensation became too much for Ichigo's virgin body to handle, his thrusts became faster and faster. "Retsu, I'm-"but he was silenced as Retsu caressed his face.

"I know Ichigo, I'm close too. Cum with me." Ichigo threw his head back, practically yelling to the whole wide world as he came. He felt Retsu's walls tighten around him, milking his cock of every drop. The warm sensation of being filled must've been too much for the captain, who moaned as came on Ichigo's manhood. Ichigo pulled Retsu down into the water with him, the lovers still holding onto one another basking in the afterglow. As they sat in the cool water Retsu placed her head on his shoulder, whispering into his ear, "I love you Ichigo."

Ichigo kissed her forehead, giving her a rare smile few would ever see come from him.

"I love you too Retsu."

Ichigo awoke with a start, his body covered in sweat. His mind immediately recalled the VERY vivid dream that it just concocted. As Ichigo's breathing settled and his heart began to cease pounding he pulled back the covers; he decided to get a new shirt. His eyes went southward to the sight on the bed. 'Great, now I have to explain to Yuzu why I need my sheets changed!' He put the thought out of his mind as he pulled on a new shirt. As he tried to clean up his mess his mind raced towards reasonable questions. 'Was that dream trying to tell me something? Do I have feelings for Captain Unohana? Am I actually OK with getting married?'

As he climbed back into bed he tried to push the dream from his mind as he closed his eyes. Captain Unohana said she'd be back in the morning. The way Ichigo figured it; he'd burn that bridge when he'd get to it. He slowly slipped back to sleep, this time not dreaming at all as if his subconscious had enough fun for one night.

Urahara Shop: Unohana POV

Ichigo was not the only person restless that night. As Unohana slept on the futon that Yoruichi had graciously gave her, her dreams turned to the boy of her desires, dreaming thoughts that mirrored her betrothed….

Retsu walked in a warzone, taking in the carnage around her. She turned and saw many men lying on the ground, the life no longer in any of their eyes. While her own haori was covered in blood she knew that she was not the one who claimed these men's lives. She heard a scream and looked in front of her. A man collapsed onto the ground, dead, as his killer calmly sauntered past him, looking at the woman before him. It was Ichigo Kurosaki. She drew her sword, wanting to test the limits of this man.

Already in Bankai, Ichigo used his swiftness to press the captain. She deftly countered every strike with her own, causing the fight to become even; neither opponent giving ground. She jumped back; hoping to gain a second wind but Ichigo was faster, striking her with an overhead chop. As she moved to block his black sword became inflamed with black and red energy," Getsuga Tensho!" Retsu's blade didn't have a prayer against such a strike, shattering into pieces. She stood there helpless as the man pointed the tip of his sword at her chest. With a few well-aimed slashes her robes fell from her body in tatters, making Ichigo grin at the sight. "I win Retsu," he said as he stabbed his sword into the ground before removing his own clothes, "That makes you mine, now and always!" With that he embraced the woman with a deep kiss, pushing her down to the ground all the while. Before Retsu could react, Ichigo flipped her onto her hands and knees and quickly entered her, making Retsu moan at the fullness.

She'd never been taken so easily in her life, but the way Ichigo had dominated her made her feel something she'd never experienced. For the first time in her life she was being owned by this man, this feeling beginning to grow as she felt his hands reach around her and pulled her close, she turned her head around and kissed him when his face grew closer as he put his weight down on her back, hammering in the feeling of her belonging to this man. She felt him pounding into her harder and could feel his tip pounding her cervix. She knew that the battlefield reeked of blood and filled with the sounds of screaming but all she could hear and smell was the scent of Ichigo and her own lust-filled moans. Finally, she felt Ichigo bite down on her shoulder, marking her as his. The feeling of being marked sent her over the edge, tightening around Ichigo as she came. She heard him moan into her ear as she felt warm cum flood her womb. As he pulled out she lay on the ground for a few moments until Ichigo picked her up. As he carried her away from the carnage she laid her head onto Ichigo's shoulder.

"I love you Ichigo."

Retsu eyes opened wide as she came out of her dream, sitting up from her futon. She calmed her hectic breathing and got up, wanting to change out of her sweat-covered nightshirt. As she got up she chuckled, 'I'll have to apologize to Lady Yoruichi for ruining her futon.' She calmly got back into the futon after changing, thinking of her next meeting with Ichigo. She'd meant what she'd told the boy. He was the only person she wanted to marry. 'If he's anything as good as he was in my dreams….' Retsu closed her eyes as she fell back asleep, her thoughts once more becoming fixed on Ichigo Kurosaki.

To Be Continued….

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