Chapter 1

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I was visiting my grandma in a foreign City called Guatemala. I had my brothers and sister by my side as well as my parents. I was taking a walk down the street. It is very common to walk to streets of Guatemala but not very safe. 

As I was walking down the street I noticed a group of boys playing soccer, I started walking to my house until I felt a hard hit land on my lower back. I turned around quickly as I see a boy running up to me. 

"Hey! Sorry, didn't mean for that to happen." The boy picked the ball up then stood up straight as he looked me in my eyes. 

His eyes shined bright as caramel as the sun hit them, he had a white shirt on with black jeans and dirty white shoes. That's when I noticed.. he's not the type of guy that has much money. He did have good looks though. His curly dark brown hair was covering his eyes the slightest bit.

"Sorry?! Yea, well.. don't let it happen again." I simply state. 

The boy smiled then nodded, "Okay.." He started walking back to his group of friends but he kept his beautiful eyes on me. 

I scoff then walk to my house, I opened the door and the smell of fresh torillas filled my nose.

"Hey Meli!" Christian yelled.

Christian was my older brother. He was 20. 

"Hey! What's up Christiano!" 

I saw my younger sister Jennifer run towards me, "You see the group of boys outside?" 

I roll my eyes, "Yea.. one of them hit me with their soccer ball.." 

"HAH! Looks like someone is into you!" David says.

David was the youngest of us all. 

"Stop! I just met that dude.. I don't even know his name! Don't be so immature about it." I say as I make my way towards the kitchen to great my grandma.

"No seriously! I've been watching the dudes play all day.. not once did they lose the ball, then all of a sudden you walk past and 'the ball hits you'" David says as he makes his way towards the kitchen, he reaches out to grab a tortilla but his hand gets slapped away by our grandma.

"Stop it! Wait till I'm done!" Our grandma says.

Christian made his way towards the kitchen, "Hey Abuelita, who are those kids out there anyways? I've never seen them before." 

"That's Dorian and Juan-Jose.. I know them the most because Dorian lives right across the street from us and his sister Mavic rents a room from me." Abuelita says.

Abuelita has spare rooms so she rented them out to people in need. 

My mom Miriam made her way to the kitchen, "You all talking about the people who live in from of us? That's the Lavis family, I'm friends with the mom." 

"Yea! Looks like Dorian is trying to hook up with Meli!" Jenny screams from the couch.

I get a glare from my mom, "Listen Melita, I don't want you hanging out with that boy." 

I scoff as I shake my head, "You think I'm going to hang out with him? He's a poor boy that's just looking for attention." 

"Yea.. well that's not his intentions." David says as he looks out the window. 

"What are you talking about?" I say as I walk towards him and look out the window, Dorian was placing.. I think it was a letter at the doorstep of my abuelitas house.

"I'll get it!" Christian says as he walks to the door and open it then grabs the letter and walks back inside as he hands it to me.

"What does it say?" Jenny asks. 

I roll my eyes, "I don't know.. and I don't care." 

I started walking to my room that I shared with my sister, I sat on the bed then started open it, I then read it. It was more so him introducing himself. Looks like he had just moved from a different area of Guatemala and he thought I was cute. I was quite confused. I mean, I knew I was cute.. but I never had a boy tell me that through a letter. 

"Meli! Time to eat!" My father, Pablo, yelled from the kitchen. 

I sighed then placed the letter inside the drawer next to my bed then made my way towards the kitchen.

Weeks and weeks passed and I still received letters from the same dude Dorian. My parents didn't know but I sent a couple back. We wrote back and forth.. back and forth. I kept all the letters he sent me in the same drawer where I kept the first letter he sent me. 

I was flying back home in about a couple days. Going back to Chicago was kind of a hard thing for me to grasp. I was having so much fun here in Guatemala. I got to know Mavic and Amanda, they're Dorian's sisters. I liked Mavic more, she talked to me a lot more. 

The day me and my family were leaving I was saying bye to my grandparents when I had received one more letter. The letter was obviously from Dorian and it said that he had grown feelings for me, and that he was going to miss me, he wanted to keep writing back and forth even if I moved back to the U.S. The letter made my day, I made sure to pack the other letters I received from him too. 

It was time to fly back, and once we did.. everything changed. 

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