Dream #1

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Alright, this literally just happened and I think that it is kind of weird but I don't think that this is entirely related to creepypasta but it could be a possibility. so basically what happened was Me,Elijah,my mom ofc were in a car going to an odd building with stuff in our hands well mine anyways idk,why? You may ask, I have no idea.

(she was the one driving and for some odd reason my literal 23 year old brother was in the back with me. Why I was in the backseat also idk I think I saw a glimpse of two other people. They looked like they were literally built different the one in the back with us was slightly slimmer than the one in front although they were still pretty muscular, they were both muscular and fit. Also before you say simp or sm I don't even know who they were and I'm literally just describing what they looked like).

I got to take a quick glance at the road a bit before we got there and it was like a blur of greens,browns and other earthy tones so I'm gonna assume it was a forest. The building was white and it looked tall maybe 2 stories tall? Idk like I said I only got a quick glance. I don't know what we were doing at all but the house(?) Was completely empty and it was open concept.i don't remember what happened after that for around 10-20 minutes in the dream and like 2-3 hours irl, (I think anyways like I said I don't remember what happened until now) I had a complete meltdown and I just genuinely got enraged to the pint I was fucking screaming and on the verge of actually cracking my sanity, somehow idfk don't ask me. And after I broke out of the trance(?) Aka just finally calmed down after like 10 minutes then I saw my brother(?) Walking away although I would like to say rq is that I have no idea if that was my brother as his face was completely blurred and istg his body changed? Morphed?? Idk but like he had a fit but still a dad body which is accurate irl but whenever I hugged him that changed completely, his body changed to a more flat body but it was pretty muscular and fit, like someone has been working out for 8 hours everyday for 2 years (don't ask) and I KNOW how he hugs, he hugs very lazily but this guy was different he hugged harshly at first but then it like softened?? idfk most Y/N moment of my  life istg. AND IT WASNT EVEN FUCKING REAL???😭😭 eh whatever I don't like touchy contact that much, honestly. I barely take hugs from anyone except my family that was visiting for 1-3 days and they are leaving for another month or 2. And my closest friend but then again I barely ever see them. (Different schools and we are in towns close to each other but still like 40-50 minutes away)

also please for the love of God don't ask what happened after that bc I literally woke up at 10:50 PM and got to typing (I also wrote it down in my dream journal) and also here's the answer to why I woke up so late, I got around 2 and a half hours of sleep (earlier today) I had to pack up from my sister's house (20 minutes not that it makes a difference at all since that was easy) road on my nephews scooter because it actually fits me on it (I'm 5'1 currently) and whenever I tell you that I was scootering back and forth around the whole house (also open concept.) I did. I also carried my nephews stuff, a blanket, my backpack which was pretty full. Also I am not saying that this was extremely hard to do as this was really easy except with snow and ice it was slightly harder, like I said I'm not complaining as all of this was easy to do but it was making my energy drop in the long run. After that we got in the car then I had to deal with a nosebleed that literally would stop until we got back home then my mom took care of it like we were taking turns, them I ate dinner which just made me more tired and then I fell asleep. And here we are. Also if you did read the last chapter I did say that I would do a sally Williams summoning so I might still do that just know that if I don't update soon like later tonight and or mid Tomorrow about the sally summoning just know that I have postponed it to tomorrow night :)

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