Chapter thirteen [🤬]

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I felt some kind of pressure on my cheek.

I open my eyes to see bob kissing me awake. He looked at me and smiled.

"Mornin beautiful."

I screamed internally and smiled very largely.

"M-morning Bobby..."

"You slept in pretty late. It's 2:00pm"

I sighed and sat up.

"I should probably start getting ready for the day. And our date."

"Yeah you go do that. I'll start preparing the food."

"Ok Bobby."

I got up and walked to the bathroom. After taking a shower I started to brush my hair and teeth. I then remembered that I forgot to get spare clothes.


I wrapped myself in a towel and tip toed my way to bobs room. All of the clothes I had been wearing were the ones that washed after taking them off of his victims.

He kept them in the closet since he didn't want me to wear dirty clothes.

When I got to bobs room I stopped in my tracks. Bob was already there.


Bob turned around and covered his eyes.

"Bob! I-I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here!"

"It's ok just get what you need I'm not looking."

I quickly got a shirt, pants, a bra, and underwear and ran back into the bathroom.

That was so embarrassing.....

I got dressed and made sure my hair was dry enough so I wouldn't get sick when I go outside.

Bob got dressed too. He was wearing a black and red flannel with black jeans and shoes.

I came out of the bathroom still feeling embarrassed of what had happened. I could tell bob was still thinking about it as well.

"So, we gonna get going or what..?"

Bob nodded and we headed towards his truck outside.

Bob turned on the engine and we started to drive away. I kept looking out the window lost in my daydreams.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just daydreaming."

Bob chuckled and put on the radio. He kept switching stations until I heard (favorite song).

"Wait go back!"

Bob went back to it and I got so happy.

"This is my favorite song."

I started to sing my heart out as I knew all the lyrics to it. Bob couldn't help but smile at my silliness.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see."

Bob continued to make different directions. I had no idea where we were going but he did I guess.

Bob put his hand out in front of me. I placed my hand in his palm. He pulled it to his lips and kissed it. That gave me hella butterfly's.

Bob then placed my hand over my eyes.

"Uhh Bobby?"

"Shh it's a surprise."

I giggled and sighed. Bob pulled over and put a blindfold over my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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