𝐭𝐰𝐨. sporty spice

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chapter 2 !
☆⊰⊹─ sporty spice

    THE FIRST week of June's detective job could only be described as unsuccessful

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    THE FIRST week of June's detective job could only be described as unsuccessful. The added hospital visits and the fact she wasn't very mobile because of her knee meant little work could be done. But that didn't mean the week hadn't been eventful. Another murder had taken place in her town, this time it being the school's old swim coach, Isaac Lahey's father. Rumours Isaac might have killed his own father had barely spread before the boy was arrested during lacrosse practice. That same day he escaped custody, becoming a fugitive. June did some asking around but nobody knew of his whereabouts. Which was an unexpected move, June only ever knew the boy as a soft spoken and kind boy, never anticipating him to kill his own father let alone following that by fleeing jail as well.

  Jackson on the other hand seemed to be descending into madness still, overhearing him buying off their classmate, Matt, to lend him a camera. Why Jackson was so interested in videoing himself the whole night, June was unable to uncover from the blond. Him quickly shutting down any conversation the girl tried to start. She even thought of going to Matt himself, but any time she came close to him, she felt an creepy chill run down her spine.

  Which brings her to now, in gym class. Coach had set up a climbing wall in the middle of the school's gymnasium, students taking turns in pairs to climb to the top and back down again. Currently, Allison and Scott were on the wall, their flirty banter inaudible from the gym floor, but their body language spoke volumes. June couldn't help but smile as she watched the two. Despite hearing rumours that they had broken up, June sensed that something was still going on between them. After Allison kicked Scott down from the wall and he almost broke his back on the way down, Coach called the next pair up to the wall.

  "June, Stilinski, you're up!"

  Stiles smiled broadly at the Jackles girl and she smiled at him in return, his excitement infectious. Scott handed his harness over to June and she quickly put it on. Looking up the tall wall, she couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. Stiles had already started his ascent, not waiting on the brunette.

  "Take it slow, Jackles," Coach slapped her on her shoulder as he spoke the words to her in a low tone. He was painfully aware of her bad knee, before her accident he had almost convinced her to join the lacrosse team. June had an inkling that Coach was still interested in recruiting her if she ever fully recovered.

  Taking his advice, June began climbing the wall. She managed the strain on her right leg for the first few footholds, but as she looked up, she saw Stiles a couple of feet above her and gaining momentum. June on the other hand started to struggle when she'd climbed around 6 feet high, fingers shaking, grip faltering, her left foot slipping from it's hold. The unlucky classmate that was belaying June, yelped once the girl fell from the wall, quickly holding the rope taught to break her fall. The entire class gasped in unison as June landed on her back on the mat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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