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This chapter will be a bit shorter

Hailes POV (please try to read it in a childish, weak voice for the effect): 

This thing is weird. Just a few months back, I was with my parents and my older brother Lowell, then they were killed by some jerk who called himself Keng... no wait, Kang, yes, that's it. Some jerk called Kang, then I went on a killing spree with my powers, then a guy who looks like my dad pulls up, shoved in MY cell and now we're apparently still alive and are gonna see his wife or what. If she looks like my mum, I might need to kill someone again to process it. We will be by the edge of the forest in two minutes. No matter what... he says, it still seems like an eternity to me. I don't know how to address him. I'm not gonna call him Loki. My dad is dead along with my mum. I almost called him dad yesterday. Twice. That's gonna haunt me forever now. I did only say it out loud once though. But I'm still not forgiving myself that. After probably a decade, we get to the edge of the forest. Not even five seconds after, a weird orange portal thingy opened right in front of us and a woman walked out of it. You remember how I said that I might need to kill someone if she looks like my mum? Yeah, I will go to the city after this and put some unnamed person *cough cough Rumlow cough* out of their misery. She looks just like my mum! What. The. Actual. Hel. Is. Going. On. As soon as they saw each other, they ran to each other. From what I know from films, now there will be some romantic crap of long-separated lovers and whatnot and I'm NOT gonna watch that. After a few seconds, I look over to them. They were still hugging. I can live with that. So it looks like that's it. I'm alive, he is with his wife again, everything's fine and they will probably leave through the portal thing together. Happy for them. I turn around to go back to the city, but she notices me.
,,And who are you?" I hear her say. Oh no. No. No. No. No. No. This is bad. I turn around slowly to see them holding hands, looking at me. Oh no.
,,Haile" I responded simply. What else would I even say? She didn't ask anything except that. He decides to step in and tells her
,,This is the kid I told you about through the TemPad." She continues looking down at me as if she was trying to figure out if she met me before. Great, they both seem familiar to me and look like they met me before as well. This is VERY chaotic. She then leans over to him and whispers something to him.
,,That's exactly what I thought when I first met the kid too." He tells her. I just stare up at them, clueless that what are they talking about. After a while, she looks back at me and asks me
,,Can I try something?" I just nod slowly. Her fingers light up green. Magic. Finally, someone who has it too. She presses them to my temple. Suddenly my whole life and everything I know about myself just flooded into my mind. A minute later, she pulls her hand away. I look up at her and say
,,It was about the time someone had magic too."
,,I have it too." He says
,,And you didn't bother telling me?" I ask a bit annoyed, ignoring the fact that he used it while getting us from the killing room. He shrugs and looks back at his wife
With a questioning look.
,,We were right." She tells him quietly.
,,Kid how much do you know about the Multiverse?" He asks me

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