Injuries on the job.

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(Aight guys... I'm back sorry for such a long wait- but here is some more better literate ways to talk? Sorry for my grammar too, I'm a little tired and after I post this I'll most likely sleep for centuries.)
Mike's p.o.v

I shuddered at the name. 'Richard... Him?! This is the fucking person everyone is saying so much shit about?' My thoughts were soon snapped out of my head once he talked again, oh god... He saw my reactions to the night terror didn't he- (richard)) "y'know you should be locking up that door. I got in here without any problem... But- it seemed like you wanted me here" I watched the purple man snicker and I sunk down in my seat. My orbs (another word for eye) looked down scanning the man once more. He seemed pretty well built for his unknowing age.

Richard's p.o.v

I snickered and began to grimly state back. I raised a thin brow and just Leaned back. Unknowing that a animatronic was right behind me. Yeah.. Stupid i know now that I look back at this...

Action/narrator p.o.v

The two male figures stood in silence watching Each other coldly. Richard crossed his arms and shifted his weight over on to to right leg. Mike looked up and said silently, "oh holy fuck.." Richard raised a brow to soon jolt in his clothes from the animatronics hardening grab. The yellow stained animatronic began to 'scree' loudly. Mike had no hesitation to get up and try to close the door on the animatronic, the door was jammed. Horrible timing for the faulty wires. Richard didn't show much fear of being anxious. He just slammed the chicken's beak up and kicked at the loose bolts. The animatronic sparked and 'screed louder. Opening the mouth weakly again and taking a bite out of Richard's shoulder. Richard grunted unamused. He threw his dislocated/shattered shoulder back and pushed the chicken animatronic back. Mike watched silently on the verge to run. He didn't care much for richard because well he didn't know him. But something tickled in the back of his head and pleaded to stay. Soon enough instead of watching richard be killed, Mike desperately tried to help. He soon ripped the attachments off the chicken and got the chicken off. The only one thing was; where do they go now? The pizzeria was practically still jumping with animatronics...

Mike p.o.v
I rushed over to the bleeding elder. To my surprise he didn't show much emotion but shook like a kitten in the rain, I managed to speak out pulling him Away and slamming on the door. It finally closed with a large wrenching sound; "are you okay; richard?" He didn't speak out to me. He acted dead inside. Honestly I began to worry about this damn "richard."

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