No! (chapter 2)

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A/n: Please enjoy, if you aren't enjoying,you have the full liberty to stop because this isn't the only story on Wattpad. Thanks😊🌞

I stood there staring at the wreck I called a home . Well not to lie my house had a very beautiful exterior and interior but the people in it made every ounce of beauty vanish . My father was a top tier business tycoon who was known throughout my neighborhood but fortunately unfortunately the people in my school don't know any of this except Amanda and Trey. I then noticed my mom's car from a distance,then I was left with no choice than to enter the house in a hurry because I wasn't ready for any of her incessant loud tantrums.I opened the main gate for her,so her car could pass through. She gave me a warm smile as soon as she saw me. Not to lie, my mother is a good person but the real demon lay inside of the house.I
helped her with her bag and other stuff from the car .
After helping my mom, it was time for me to go inside the house and get my shit together (shit like doing my homework, learning and reading some stories) . I silently prayed my dad wasn't home because I completely hated his presence. I sighed before entering,upon entering, I realized no one was at the hall so I quickly made it to my room which was messy asf but I didn't get the urge to arrange the place so I just took off my uniform and it was just me left in an underwear and a vest,I looked myself in the mirror and realized how lean I had grown and how small my tits were, with my dark skin glistening unusually. I realized I had a slightly curvaceous body. I quickly left the sight of the mirror because none of that mattered . I undressed myself and let the weight of the water hit my tender skin as I bath and let down my worries.

       After bathing, I went down to have my dinner,which was prepared by cousin since she is staying over my house for a few months .I got to the dining table and realized I was late for dinner because everyone including my dad and siblings were seated and had started eating . Oh yeah I forgot to add I had two male siblings of which one is 18 and the other is 10.
I sat down to eat . As we were all eating my mom's spoon fell down unconsciously and from the look my father gave her it was kinda of obvious that he was about to do something stupid.  I didn't even realize when he took the spoon from the floor and threw across the room. We all stopped eating and stared at him, waiting for his next move. He then stood up and faced my mother and said,"You can not even do anything right,common eating you can't, what possibly can you do on this earth? If you could drop it on the floor, you could have as well thrown just like I did. You make me regret marrying you every fucking day." At his words,my mother got up and looked him in the eye and said,"You will regret everything Kwame! I made you who you are today and you stand here and disrespect me in front of the children. You are so pathetic." I was glad my mother gave him a befitting reply . Just as he was about to lay a hand on her, my brother(18 yr old) caught his hand and said ,"Enough". He said it in a voice that was so stern and scary. With this, my dad and cousin left the dining table . I was sure my cousin left because of how awkward it was.
I was still eating because this wasn't the first time such a scene happened, and it would definitely not be the last. As I was chewing on my chicken I heard my brother talking to my mom . The dialog

Bro: Until when mom? Leave this monster once and for all. It's not that hard so stop making it hard.

Mom: You are right, is not that hard but anytime I try to do so, I think about you kids . What would become of you ? He will make you kids miserable.

Bro: Mom, you need to rest . You can rest in my room since it will be safer.

I got up and went to stand by my mom and pat her back. I was also fed up of my father but my mom was kind of right.
  I just cleared the thought away and went to my room to do my homework and other things. I didn't even clean my room because I didn't have the need to . I didn't even realize when I dozed off .

A/n : hi pls comment and like

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