Dungeon x Exitgate

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Dungeon x ExitGate

Dungeon was a shy door.. always appearing after every two ciphers. Every time the survivors jumped in him- he moaned. But soon match after match after match he just never got anyone else to jump in.

"Everyone prefers the exit gate always opening and closing him.. I'm jealous!!"

Another cipher popped and he had appeared out of the ground.. shy but this time he had spawned next to the exit gate.. somehow.

"O-oh! Hello" Dungeon said but was too quiet for ExitGate to hear.

"Man I hope they win this match or at least a clutch I need some daddies in me~" ExitGate staring playing with his buttons moaning still not noticing dungeon right next to him. He kept pressing his buttons faster and faster and soon released electricity. Dungeon, shocked stares at him soon ExitGate saw him.

"Oh! I uhmm, ahhh didn't see you there uhmmm" Dungeon immediately catched feelings after that... his buttons... his big... door.

"U-uhm hello? Are you there??"

"OH! Y-y-yeah sorry I'm just spacing out... not about you or anything u-uhm..."

"Say you look cute... aren't you a little angel..~" ExitGate thought he was interesting and started flirting with dungeon. Dungeon starting to blush tries to move away but remembers he's stuck in the ground.

"O-oh dear.. I uhm"

"Hmmm are you flustered little guy~ How about we do something more than just... talk~"

Survivor Side

Weepy has been kiting geisha for a while now maybe 90 seconds, he vaults a window and gets terrorshcoked

"Sorry!" Weepy shouts everyone on the team (prisoner, Edgar, and Aesop) said 'It's alright!'

Weepy got chaired and geisha was angry because he kited her for 3 ciphers 🤬🤬🤬

ExitGate and dungeon

Dungeon was shocked to hear ExitGate say that, I mean he was shocked to see how big his door really is and... him masturbating.. but could he? Would he fit? He would have to try. "I... y-yes.." ExitGate had a flirty look on his face. Soon ripping himself off the walls and stumbling to dungeon. Putting in the code dungeon soon opened his doors and entering inside dungeon. In there, they were humans. Hot ones too. They were butt naked and ready to mingle..

Survivor side

Weepy on his last chair and one cipher left was kiting geisha as the cipher was about primed

"Cipher machine primed!" Aesop said. Weepy then getting downed got an immediate pop and he kites geisha even more.

ExitGate and dungeon

ExitGate grabbed dungeon and threw him on the bed and spread his legs.

"Don't you look so cute~" Dungeon felt a wave of fear enter him- 'I've never done this before!'

Soon ExitGate stuck his fingers inside dungeons hole to help loosen, it is his first time.. Dungeon started whimpering and whining

"Aww look at you and your pathetic little noises hmm?" ExitGate kept degrading him as he kept fingered him, he could see dungeon about to cum but stuck his fingers out leaving dungeon in a more whining mess

"N-no... p-please finish~!"

"Awww how sad... don't worry I'll make sure your finished~"

ExitGate then rammed his member into dungeon causing dungeon to moan loudly, like LOUDLY.

"Gah! You are so fucking loud!" ExitGate smacked dungeon on the ass and he moaned

"Why your so degradable... heh.." ExitGate started to move back in forth, slapping noises echoed in the dark hole along with heavy breathing. Going faster and faster both soon reach climax and cum. ExitGate had pulled out and cummed on dungeons stomach while dungeon as well cummed on his stomach.

"Heh... we're still goin" both are a hot breathing mess. Almost after they caught their breath ExitGate sat right on dungeons chest and pointed down.

"Suck." Dungeon was shocked and didn't even know how! (ExitGate didn't know either)

"I-I'll try..." Both say up with ExitGate straddled and dungeon laying, dungeon brought him mouth up and ExitGate holding his wiener.

"Come onnnn what are you waiting for~"

"I-I'm sorry I ju-" ExitGate forced his head onto his cock and moves his head back and forth.

"Y-yeah... just like that..." ExitGate made dungeon move his head faster up and down but then dungeon stopped and removed ExitGate hands.

"Why you... why did you stop?!"

"Because I...." Dungeon sat back with his legs straddled,

"I... want you to..." ExitGate smirked

"Your so pathetic.." ExitGate went down to go suck but gripped dungeons cock too hard

"Ah! Don't do that! That hurts.."

"My bad... sorry"

"It's fine just please... go I need it... please I'm begging"

"Aren't you just so submissive..~" ExitGate brought his head down and started sucking, rolling his tongue around his cock, dungeon moaning as well. Dungeon was getting so aroused he decided to shove ExitGates head DOWN on his cock causing ExitGate to choke.. but he liked it~ ExitGate went faster and faster and faster

"I'm about to cum!!" ExitGate wasn't able to move fast enough and cum squirted on his face everywhere soon licking it off

"You taste good~" soon hearing noises of panic and confusion they realized they fucked up, looking up from the hole they were in they saw the survivors and even the hunter watching. ExitGate chuckled while dungeon tried hiding under sheets because of embarrassment. Dungeon looking up saw Aesop and Edgar having a boner.

"Heh you two look excited watching us" dungeon said quietly but due to the echo they heard. Edgar and Aesop looked at each other embarrassed and back at the other survivors even the geisha was so shocked she stabbed herself with his fan because she hated it so much.

"I... uhm.. " Edgar was shocked and Aesop was blushing hard. ExitGate chuckled.

"Why don't you come down dungeon and you guys go have fun while we go back to our jobs... heh.. " ExitGate jumped out of dungeon and returned to his place and connected back to the walls. "See you later cutie~" soon prisoner and weepy decoded and escaped though the game counted as a surrender due to geisha killing herself cause she's homophobic even though she's a hot lesbian for Mary. The End (ExitGate and dungeon fucked later after everything) If I get a lot of likes I'll do the Aesop x Edgar

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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